i have dyslexia, tends to turn up usually in notes when i try to play my violin i zone out very bad, it takes up lots of time from class and...
im not usually happy, n i can give you plenty of things that are wrong with me
Im sorry I just needed to tell you your sig=nosebleed
i am quite far from perfect
its not seen because i wrap my arm i think that died when i came
i dont want to though i wanna just get through. i have a stupid cut on my wrist from the fall and it makes me look like a cutter yeah
it hurts to move some of my fingers certain ways still, n my elbow hurts when i put it in certain positions yeah, my buddy is one of the very...
ive managed to eat great amount of sugary foods and still stayed thin!
its just a flesh wound, the pain will eventually go away. hope i have full mobility though he said that we were acting stupid n didnt want to...
i fell and landed pretty hard on my left arm on cement, damaging my hand in the process because i slid and it ran into more concrete. n i cant...
not good
how you been?