Her breathing slowed and her eyes closed. Sinder went limp with her last breath. The gunblade had pierced her heart.
Sinder stumbled in the air from the gun wound, but she still flew towards Mya. The gunblade pierced her chest and she coughed up blood. Red liquid leaked from the wound. She stared breathing in short, quick bursts from the pain. Her eyes turned normal. Shadow disappeared in a cloud of black smoke from her body.
Shadow made himself reappear around Sinder. Then, she leaped at her.
Sinder pulled back violently and headbutted Mya in the stomach. She jumped over her, but didn't realize she had left Mya by the bed.
Sinder screamed and Shadow hid himself inside her. She covered her head with her arms with the flash of light.
Sinder jumped after Mya. She landed in front of her on all fours with a fierce look. It won't be that easy.
Shadow simply moved out of the way of the light. He used his wing to push away the gunblade, which landed under the bed. Sinder swiped at Mya's face with the other hand.
Shadow let go of Mya and stumbled backwards as the light hit him. Good move. He jumped back onto Sinder and swung down the metal claws towards Mya's head.
You guys are so weak. No wonder why it was so easy to take over Sinder...
ok have fun
i still feel bad :c
Within an instant the shadow creature was gone... But why were Sinder's eyes still red? Shadow jumped onto Mya from behind and latched onto her neck with his teeth. OOC: There's no blood just pain.
i really do need a hug...
OOC: Yes it is a him xD The shadow creature moved out of the way and hit Sinder, sending electricity into her body and causing her to stumble. A flash of her normal purple eyes came. Ha. You can't hit me.
i guess
that is flippin awesome
amost fell down the f*cking stairs... im so irritated
alrighty then
The girl suffered so. I am now filling the space she has welcomingly emptied. Poor poor Sinder... Such a pity.
mustard is amazing