Organization XIII...I shall once again say they needed more appearances.
Ahhhh that's a relief. I really need to stop visiting that fortune teller....I think she's a shrew in disguise...<.< >.> Will it be the Brave Little Toaster, because I have been on and off with him and it's just getting down right RIDICULOUS. I hope it's Timmy Toaster *blush blush* XD
NOOOOOOEZ! *gets out glue and attempts to put back together* 25136
Hello all! I can't believe I haven't posted here in a while...
That's not healthy....*hugs* Hope you feel better soon. 25134
Thank you ^^ Really funny person with a funny signature aslo ^^ I cracked up reading it.
Ahhhh, I love to hear my life story over and over again. DID YOU KNOW THEY KILL ME IN THE SEQUEL!? *le gasp* kind of remind me of this giant bug I saw in Florida. I wonder why?
Fullmetal Alchemist should win, hands down. There is a plot, and the series doesn't go on forever. Each episode (except for one or two fillers) are gripping and leave you on the edge of your seat.
I love the Lion King. It's an original, and the lions are so adorabl X3
So is it....... CEREAL? Dun dun dun....
I am well ^^ Hello Meh!!! 25132
Wait...what's a creal? O.o
A demonslayer who kills Kyle's with underscores!
I've only seen a few of the pics on here...I should probably check some more out... POST MORE PICTURES PEOPLE!! (I would post some of me but I don't have any at the moment)
Lucky you...I'm into art and some how I was signed up for Auto Maintence -__-'
Nexit@h, everyone loves you!! ^^
I saw a dog similar to Sophie at my cross-country camp a week ago. She is sooo adorable :3
I've never really talked to you but you seem like a cool person. ^^
XD All the girls I know that play video games aren't ugly. Besides, video games RULE.
For some dumb reason I think of jades falling out of the sky... Rhade reminds me of rain...