THEIF!! >.> <.< I have three....
You're welcome ^^
That's kind of harsh...
Awww what's wrong? 25162
Hello ^^ Who wants cake?
Ahhhh....and it's both of your birthdays to. Here's a cake I brought to you from Google...Sorryabout the missing pieces. My cannibal of a cousin wanted some.
CtR is here!! ^^
*le gasp* And did you expect me to use a C?? Banned for teh really long middle finger!
If it's going to make me talk like that, I really don't think I want the game anymore...0.o
Sounds like it....
Banned for having a really long username...and an avatar that makes me dizzy O.o
Thanks :) DanDan....Is a person I don't know, but has an avatar that makes me dizzy.
0.o wait....What?? Pirateguywithapplepie....Jack Sparrow lost his sword/gun and has randomly grabbed a pie and will use that as his new weapon. Kind of sounds like something he would do...
:poke: I SEES YOU. 25146
Welcome to the forums Ilke (nice username). Post a lot, have fun, make new friends...pretty much what everyone else said. And READ THE RULES.
*summons Genie and wishes you fixed* See good as new. :) 25143 ....I see Redsonic is reading this...will he post?
It was a really good movie I thought. I wasn't expecting it to be a musical though... Which was funny because right when the movie started Tracy was running around singing Good morning BALTIMORE! I was a little taken aback, but it was a cute movie ^^
......Shoot.... 25139
...O.o Home...what? Not much I guess XD Just floating around kh-vids...bored as ever. I have to leave in a few minutes to go to cross country and then I have to go get shots (tetnes or whatever). God, they make me feel like I have rabies.
After a while I managed to beat Sephiroth in KH but he seems much more difficult in the second one...And I don't OWN him...Square Enix does.