Hey how did the whole month thing come about anyways?? 25703
Poop...nose? :P You is a poop FACE. ^^
BOO!!! I scared you all! Now everyone say hi and make my day even marrier! :D 25691
Cross-Country. There aren't really positions unless you split them up between fast and slow runners I gues... Hard. Very hard, unless you're super lazy. Team? Some of my teamates are cool. My coach? Yeah he's funny! I still eat food all of the time if that's what you mean? If I didn't have fun I wouldn't run. :P Hard as hell.
I've seen you around here!
Hey that's adorable. I love her expression and the way her hair was done. The Roxas doll looks so cute to :3
You know it :P Just kidding. I don't know you, but you seem pretty cool. And you must have awesome telepathic or whatever abilities to be able to type on a computer and take a show at the same time.
I'm going to be a freshman this year and I'm actually reallly looking forward to it :) Try to make new friends. This year, I talked to some girls who I thought were brats, but it turned out they're very nice, and quite funny (they just have a lot of money and are slightly spoiled when it comes to clothing, houses, etc.). Plus, they haven't gotten between my really good friends and I. Talk to people, it's no fun to sit by yourself in a class. I know.
OMG I LOVE JACK SKELLINGTON!! A cool person who has more posts than me and a cool avatar! xD
Zawww~ A kitty X3 Cool glasses to.
Aside from the crazy stuff that happened to you, glad you had a good time. Uh...people were banned because they were being ***holes. Seriously, there was havoc ALL over the place.
It's so hot here. Stupid sun! I have to run in this weather >_<
XD Thanks. I bet you don't look like crap either. And thanks kitty ^^ Sorry about the confusion.
I broke my arm when I was about 3 because I fell off my porch. That was interesting.
A scottish kitty.
Uhh...shoot. Actually, I'm the one on the far left.
A cool person who liked the Squibbles I drew :3
....the far right. I hate this picture though because I look like crap compared to my cousin (far right).
I think of the good witch from the Wizard of Oz.