A person with a pretty avatar and has a high number of posts.
Happy birthday to you ^^ Made by my family for my sister's b-day yesterday. There's still some cupcakes left though. :)
Actually, on WMP it doesn't sound chipmunky at all. It simply sounds faster.
Banned for banning because of avy's and sig's.
XD Thanks. Thank you. Ever notice how tons of people hate their pictures but everyone else tells them they look nice? 0.o
Ooh but we are. WE ARE.... 25774
Sounds like something I would watch.
Yes, I find it very entertaining.
Whoot! 25771
ladjblajflasjf 25769
Ok prepare to be in shock... I have a dog. Cocker spaniel or whatever they're called. Her name is Carley. She's a stupid little animal and I hate her whilst the rest of my family smothers her with love. Why do I hate her? Around 9/10 months ago, my parents adopted her from my grandma and my wonderful kitty (Flower) didn't like her. Well, Flower goes outside a lot and the day after Carley came she went outside and never came back... Yes, I know it's not Carley's fault either, Flower just didn't like her that much....
...You're all going to hate me for this but.... I'm excited for school tomorrow! New classes, I get to see all of my friends for once (I live way out in the woods while everyone else lives in town). The only thing I am not looking forward to is the hour long busride to and from school.
He's a he? God I'm a little slow.... Rax: Haven't really talked to you but you seem cool.
A nice and funny friend with awesome taste in cartoons!
Scar...because nothing beats killing your own brother ;P
Sanda all of these pictures are so gorgeous! Eh...well here are two with me in them. I don't really like them though. This is one of my sister and I. I don't like it though, there's something black on my forehead. Plus she had been eating ice cream. And then there's me being stupid and hugging my beanie babies again ;P
Zzz...zzz...ZZZ...zzz....eh? Oh poop. Guys I'm about to fall over here. Okay that's a lie because the computer light is killing my brain cells slowly and keeping me awake but I am tired!!! So I think I shall go to bed...Nighty Night!! ^^ 25713
If you want to leave you can. I don't want you to, but like CtR said telling you to stay here would be rather selfish (even though I do).
Best.... Quote.... Eva..... :P EDIT: Aw crap. That didn't quote Rossy's comment....-_-
And the same goes for you!