Jesse laughed. Am I too fast for you? She said in an upbeat, flirty tone.
Its amazing xD lol
When your gone - Avril Lavigne
oh my gosh! look at my page! They updated the site! Its sooo freakin sweet! xD
Wait, whoa. Thia is cool. Thnx RvR! :D
Hey, Thanks for the add. Nice to meet you ^_^ If you need anything, feel free to aske me. :D
2 things. 1) What happened to the site last night? 2) How did you get your background like that? o.O
Uhm, correction- The question has been used. :D
Tifa- A bad one?
Jesse was too tired for this, And too comfortable laying next to him. But she sat herself up and was ready for the day in about 5 seconds.
Haha, no thanks xD
Ikr? lol xD how awre you? :p
Tifa- Oh! Whose Orion? Kairi- *looking for Roxas*
Jesse lifted her head. I-I love you too. Jesse smiled and curled up closer to Alucard. She smiled.
Im sneak texting you guys xD
Tifa- *laughs* An onion?
Im not blushing. Im uhm. . . Jesse wasnt embarressed, she just never blushed before. She then hid her face in his chest.
Oh cool. . . xD