Lilith- Damnit, why why WHY!? What?
Ally sat up from the corner. She certainly got bored from all this writting. Ally sighed and put her notebook and pen in her bag and startec walking to the lake. Dear mother and father, I know that its been years since Ive seen or heard you. I know im never going to see you again but, I wrote this letter so that you know im ok. I know your gone and youll never read this but I wanted to write this. I promised myself I would continue life without you and I shall place this note on your graves. Its been forever since I had a father figure around. There is this girl namd Naomi who has been taking care of me. Just know, mother, father, that I will always love you. xoxo, Ally She had reached the lake and smiled. I promised Id put this letter by your grave didnt I? She spoke softly to herself, and she buried the letter by the shore. A slow tide came and made the sand wet. Reassuring her that the note was safe. As Ally smiled, a tear came from her right eye. Pure, sparkling from the sunrise and fell on the note. Were these tears of sadness? No, they were tears of happiness.
Courage the Cowardly Dog, doesnt come on hardly. Loved that show. Also, yes, Rugrats, another favo I had at like age 4-5
(I forgot I made this thread XD ) I like Sanctuary/Passion. My two favos of course. I do like Simple and Clean too. Its an original favorite for me.
Thanks and btw you have really good taste in music ^_^
Avril is awesome, she sings alot of good songs like 'Complicated.' Oh, that song explained alot XD
I love Owl City's song fieflies <3333 Love it!! ^_^
I know your secret :lolface: And thanks ^_^ Timon & Pumba- Hakuna Matada! ^_^ (I think thats how you spell it ^_^)
Im sorry for the late reply, it was late and I couldnt keep my eyes open. lol. I see you have an avatar already. ^_^ Looks cool. Well, my name...
I really like this poem. At first I thought you were talking about a female but when I looked at the pic it made me laugh. Good job :noworries:
Are you still active? o.O
Damn, some black cat you got there. :lolface:
Kairi- Nothing much. ^_^ You? OCC- srry guys i gtg its 3 am out here XD lol byee
Kairi- Roxas!! :glomp:
~ Heyy xD ~
It got boring. Fast. They just did the extreme. . .
Oh. Well, I-I dont know. . . *looks down*
Tifa- Yea. I'm f-fine. . . :)
Hello, welcome! :D
Tifa- Oh. Uhm. . .