Raisor grabbed the cannon closest to him and took aim. Firing the cannon, he watched as his shot flew straight at the Shadow Blot. It might not be as fast as an automatic system, but having cannons at all certainly does help.
I don't do social networking. I'd need to look up how to take screenshots on my phone again. I remember it's a really annoying way. But right now, I need to do my statistics test and marketing. We'll see what happens after that
Those numbers probably aren't going to change much anymore if the cheats keep it up. Seriously, how does Square Enix not have a report button on the game? Every top 10 in Leopardos right now is level 251 for starts, still using the three starter medals, and somehow has 50 million lux in the span of half a day. I'm a little sore about it if you couldn't tell
Yeah, I think it was an extra 10,000 copies or something like that. Still seems like a small amount compared to how fast the 30,000 went. I'm still sticking with my good old Deluxe Edition.
If it is what you just said, than I didn't fully understand what you said. Lately I read blocks of text and the meaning passes me by. I blame all the reading from my classes.
It's hard to view something as ruined just by poor writing though. When you're looking at a game, there's plenty more to it, like the music, the graphics, and gameplay, and other things. It's just if you mess up in one area, you better be able to make up for it in others. And if you mess up badly enough, you've ruined that whole balance about what makes a good game. At least to me. And I'd also like to point out (semi jokingly): Where is the great Linked Horizon music from before? Dang it, I hear it once and never again so far. I'm going to have to mute my game now and play the versions on my computer every time I use a special attack
I fail to see the meaning in this. I personally like the writing in KH, but that's just me. After just finishing the prologue, which actually took me a good 3 hours or so, I have seen enough bad pop-culture references to see in a lifetime. Seriously, they don't even hide the fact that they use Star Wars' "these aren't the droids you're looking for." Just substitute "droids" for "intruders" and there you go. It just bugs me, because the most it is is a way for them to segue into changing encounter rates, and there's nothing about it again, besides Tiz somehow using the force for about 2 seconds. I'm trying my best to ignore it, but it just bugs me when stuff like that has no meaning to the plot, and they use it as a part of the plot.
Interestingly I actually did end up buying it at Gamestop just because I wanted to try it on my own. The script does still make me cringe....as well as the stupid power ranger thing, but I'm willing to still give it a shot. And even if I don't like it, I can still trade it within the week for something else worth the same price. Also, really just depends on the day XD. Heck, I liked Glory of Hercules, and found it to be one of my favorite games of all time, and quite possibly my favorite DS game, and it's not exactly way up there on the scoreboard either. I just needed a second opinion outside of someone who was trying to review it. Sometimes subjective is a little more useful than objective, especially if personalities are similar I kept thinking about it, but I didn't feel like waiting to play a 10 hour (or so they say) demo just to buy the game and try it out.
Someone, anyone, tell me if Bravely Second is worth playing. I keep thinking about it and wondering if it's really worth buying, and now I've looked up reviews, and more importantly, gameplay videos of the game, and I understand why people say its cringe-worthy. The music is semi-decent, but the writing is just....well, I can try to ignore the 8-year old style of writing, but what the heck is up with the jokes? I mean come on, 40 minutes in and I just saw a power rangers explosion scene!! Fricken power rangers!! What in the name of all bad jokes and pop-culture references were the writers thinking!?
The original messed up badly though, since it didn't follow the manga's plot. I mean, it had its amusing parts, but as a whole, the original and its 25 episodes just weren't really all that exciting or entertaining, and the ending was just a bore. The movie was decent, but I still liked Conqueror of Shambala more. I'm not saying shows that don't follow the manga are bad, but what they did kind of butchered it
Wow, their license ran out? I would have thought they'd hold that for so much longer. Then again, I don't know when they got the license, so meh. I don't buy anime stuff anyways, so it doesn't concern me. This crap is going to get so expensive in about 6 months too
You'd win that bet. Farthest north I've been on the east side is D.C., and that was many years ago. Not sure what I'd visit there either if I ever went
I've always been good at practical applications, which is why my DIGM classes have been so easy, but when it comes to a lot of stuff that uses theoretical things, like "you use this because of this, which leads to this" but it's not very clear about it, it just goes over my head. Like my marketing class, which I'll most definitely be getting a C in. And I'll be surprised if I do any better in my Texas Government in the summer either. I just want to keep my GPA above 3.5 at least one more semester so I can claim I was on the Dean's List for two semesters or more in a row
I really have no sympathy for people who think it's a good idea to cross when you have the "don't walk" sign. If they think they are going to win again 2 tons of steal, they're in for a bad week. I see it all the time at the university when I go down there too, and just the other day I saw an article about people getting hit because they decided to cross when the cross sign was red.
We can use our books, homework, and anything else, but our test is online and take it from home, so it's not like there's anything keeping us from using them anyways. And it's only this last few chapters that are hard. Everything else was so easy. It's just everything to do with confidence intervals, critical intervals or whatever they were called, and all that stuff with p-values and chi-squared stuff and all that. Luckily for me once I get done with it, I don't have to worry about it ever again.
Lucky for me it's only the last two chapters that go over my head, but I still need to make sure I understand them for the test next week. All of this stuff with confidence intervals, Student t, and all that crap is so confusing, especially when all of the formulas seem so similar. I'm worried I'll be spending too much time trying to figure out if I'm using the right formula on the test next week instead of actually doing the question. Oh, and all that stuff with finding crap the critical value, forget that.
I knew it really wasn't going to be that big of a different from the current version, but sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't get the new version. I probably might depending if they give you a discount, and I mean a major discount if you're trading in a PS4 for the new one. Other than the CPU, GPU, and framerate being slightly more than what it is on the original, I don't see any more incentive to get an upgraded version. At least it's not like with the new 3ds and you have to system transfer to get your PSN ID switched
Did you manage to use all 20 on it? Did they change it from only being able to use 10 cids on a single medal?
I know right now Master Form is a limited supply from the KH + FF friends deal going on. I was thinking of doing it, but after using Sonic Blade or whatever it was with Stitch, I realized the move itself just wasn't so good most of the time. But the art is nice. I actually had 4 limits for a while, but now I have 2 5-star ones because I used the other two to increase the skill strength on the others. I have KHII Yuffie, KH Yuffie, 1 cloud, 1 leon, and 1 auron. Auron is nice, but since it would cost so much to buy him, I'm just sticking with my lv6 Yuna, which has almost maxed skill. Leon is nice too, but I might keep him at level 5 because of that hit drop when he goes to 6 stars. KHII Yuffie and KH Yuffie I probably won't ever use, since I'm not a fan of set hit amounts, because I'm doing way more than that right now, and KH Yuffie's skill is only semi-good. I really want more KHII Riku Black Coats to upgrade mine. The only problem with that is I have 20 jewels after buying the female riku clothing, so I have to save up for a while again.