I'll be going on July 23rd, and I was hoping to get 2 tickets to bring my mom, since she likes orchestral music as well, but looks like I might be going by myself. I lucked out too, because most of the time I see these concerts and I'm able to go, it's too late to get any tickets. ...After checking with my mom, it looks like we'll both be going after all. Now I'm really looking forward to going. These kinds of things it's better to go with someone else and enjoy it together than just by yourself, if you ask me.
Thanks for telling me, I'll keep an eye out for that one
I actually wouldn't mind buying this, especially since it's only $30, but I don't have the money for it at all. I'm going to need every bit I can't for the next couple of weeks. Maybe if I have some spare money after buying a new wifi adapter with my birthday money I'll get it Yes, it's called "binge watching anime"
Guess that means I'll go back to play Type-0 HD whenever I'm bored and actually beat it more than once to get 100% completion, and maybe get those last few trophies too. The only thing is...I have no idea how to play the game since it's been so long. Luckily for me I stopped at Chapter 2, but it's strange trying to get back into it, especially on a second playthrough. Now trying to follow the guide is just confusing, because i can't remember what I've done or not. For the time being, think I'll just rewatch Yuyu Hakusho for the 4th time while finally reading Magnus Chase....that I got back in February as a present.
I liked Cyber Sleuth, but the story is a little confusing and wonky at some times, even for Digimon's standards
I'm definitely getting Sun after that preview. I'm not keen at all on the whole pokedex thing though. Nintendo already was making the movies that had the obnoxious talking pokemon, why do they have to add them into the game? I'm sure I'll get past it some time, but it's just weird. Looking at the map of the region, I'm guessing the Pokemon League is the building in the middle of all the islands.
Because I'm so bored, enjoy this
That's easy enough to watch on other sites along with other cartoons, without the stupid commercials to boot.
You didn't have to tell me View attachment 44627
So all I have left is to beat it on Crushing (hahaha, yikes for me), getting it in under 6 hours (I better get that glitch to work), have 70% accuracy or higher, 2 trophies I missed, and 2 Hidden trophies, and I will have my first 100% completed game on the PS4. And now I really want to get the Nathan Drake Collection. I'm not really a fan of just thinking about playing through the two water levels in the first game, or being disappointed by the story of the 3rd again, but playing the last game makes me want to relive the older ones as well. And right now gamestop is selling it for $40, and I can get a $25 coupon, so even if I'm trying to save my money, I can afford to spend $17 or so bucks on the game, considering it's normal price.....what to do, what to do.
Hearing Christopher Sabat doing epic lines with this song was awesome
You do realize I only have about $800 to my name right? I talk about it like that because I don't make nearly enough to pay for anything. Just spending on anything $20 or more is enough to make a small dent in my budget.
Well, that certainly brought back my childhood right there. Made me think of all the older RPGs I'd played to this point. And the fact that that's what they were aiming for is all the better. Now there just to be no voice acting, or very little to none at least
I just need to vent, otherwise I'm just going to get annoyed at everything. These last 2 days at work have been kind of stressful, just with the sheer number of kids that we had to deal with in relation to the number of teachers watching them yesterday, being close to 80 for half the day with 5 teachers, and we had almost as much today. Plus, yesterday felt like a day at Target, where so much was happening at once it felt like I was being torn in four separate directions and wanted to scream at every person to just stop and shut the F up. Now today we all found out that our boss, who's position was removed and condensed into a single position with other responsibilities, had her interview and didn't get the job. And out of the jobs I've worked, this boss has been by far my favorite. She treated us all nicely, and not just as employees but as people, and friends even, and she managed to deal with the kids, parents, and everyone else in a professional manner while keeping it casual at the same time. I know it sounds contradictory, but that's just how it felt. Now we find out she didn't get the job, and it wasn't pleasant to see. Plus, I won't be seeing her again at all because she cleans out her office tomorrow, which I don't work, and she's taking the last days as paid-time-off. With her gone, a bunch of people are going to leave, and by that I'm sure around 1/3 or so of the employees in the child care, just because they stuck around because she was still there. I personally do feel like I'd rather leave just because I know that she was very lenient in pretty much everything, and from what I've heard about the other locations, they aren't all that fun to work at, and I worry our new boss is going to turn everything into a regime of some kind. I have to stay though, because I have set hours every week at the same time, and can work my schedule around school every semester, unlike most other jobs where you say you can work certain hours and get random schedules every week in those hours. Plus I found out part of the price for my surgery, which is going to cost $434 for only a third of the price, and I don't have any sort of money to pay that with without slashing my budget to nothing. So yeah, these 2 days have hit hard, and I'm exhausted, tired, can't even have my usual jokester-attitude, and just done. There, vent over. Go on with your lives.
Amen to that
Well, at least we managed to get the Devil Survivor games, those are some of my favorite 3DS games out there. Though I do wish we could have gotten that Persona X Fire Emblem cross over
The Technomancer sounds fairly interesting, but I think i'm gonna vote for Star Ocean
I had just started working out this month, got 3 days in, then stopped because my arms and legs were so sore I literally couldn't bend them past 90 degrees. After 2 days of rest, I worked out again, went to the ENT, and found out I needed surgery, being told I couldn't do any sort of heavy lifting, sports, swimming, etc. etc. for a few weeks after doing it. So yeah, my workout has pretty much been ruined after trying to get back into it after a year. Maybe July will do better for me
I wouldn't consider it a mistake, since so far every pokemon I wasn't a fan of in the base form I wasn't a fan of in the evolution form. Rowlet is probably going to be what I take just because it's the only decent looking one out of the bunch. The cat just looks like something you find in the back alley. Though maybe it'll evolve into a nicer-looking cat, but I can't use things if I don't like the design of them.
Considering it looks like a circus seal, yeah, I'm not touching that thing either, no matter what the evolution is. Actually, it used to be generation 5 that had my least favorite starter pokemon designs, but I'm giving that honor to generation 7 now. These are just really "bleh"