it took me about a week to beat the whole game.
I speak english, spanish, german, and a tiny bit of japanese.
I've been great, you know living life and finding what career i should get :)
Thanks! so how ya been?
Have any of you guys played shogi? It's pretty much like chess, but in different style. The rules are little hard to understand, but the game is really fun once you know what to do.
so whats your favorite video game?
haha people who smile all the time make me smile :). i guess its just a natural effect
I'm okay... a little sick though, but nothing to worry about. so mind i ask why you are happy today?
oh ya anytime, so how are you?
.... what add??? o_O
well ya i thought so too lol.... no i just had to care of some personal stuff, but i back! and better than ever!!!! (^^)v
Yo!!! whats up?? haven't talked to you in awhile. How are you?
i have to go with marluxia, because he wants to use sora to go against the other members of the orginization
Hey princess! whats up??? ;)
yes, i beat it two days after i got it! :)
Yay!!! i'm back!!!.... (^ ^)v
Hey i know we just met... but i'm really going to miss all my friends.. i hope you guys have fun here... i see you guys some other time!!! ^.^...
Well princess, i'm leaving this website. and i'm really going to miss you!!! ... Bye ;)
.... well it's time for me to go. i have to do a lot of things in my life, and i don't really have time for this awesome website anymore :( ..... See ya guys later!!!!!! And take care!!!!!!! :D