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  1. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    well i can't give you an answer that's the thing, all people have different ways to look at life and how they live it
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 26, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. keyblademaster_wannabe+
  3. keyblademaster_wannabe+
  4. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    I pesonally think that a teacher/student relationship is wrong and sick
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  5. keyblademaster_wannabe+


    i suck at drawing, but i draw simple things like the sky and an apple
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  6. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    "Why are we Alive"... we live because we must find our purpose here in this world.
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  7. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    The Excercist, now thats just one messed up movie
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    I just have two words to say, (sorry this might sound rude). Grow up! The world doesn't revole around you, you can't just get what you want just like that, you need to work hard and earn your parents trust.... Trust me, i had the same issues with my parents and i even thought of running away and leaving them.... Your parents have always looked out for you, the least you can do is to obey and listen to them.
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  9. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    Everyone that i've met has always asked this, "What happens when i die? Will my life end there, or is there life after death?" .... and my answer "what do you think?" (i love making people think deeply about their own questions ^ ^)
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  10. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    Well honestly i think that this question is unanswerable,.... but that doesn't mean that we can't make up our own theories of how god was created. Honestly i believe that god was there from the begining of time and creation. how else can you explain how the universe was created? (And please, don't say "the big bang theory". everyone knows that theory is crap.
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    Yes, the game actually looks good. so ya, i would give it a try :)
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  12. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    I personally don't believe in "best friends". Maybe its the fact that i have never really had one. all my friends would just turn around and stab me in the back. So ya, the main point. I don't believe in best friends, but that's just my opinion, and everyone knows "Opinions are like butts, every has one and they all stink"
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  13. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    meh... the game was okay. i would only play if i was really bored
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  14. keyblademaster_wannabe+

    Lazer Tag

    lazer tag is fun but i prefer paintballing
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  15. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    last movie i saw was Cloudy with a chance of meatballs... it's actually a good movie to watch
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  16. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    Of Mice and Men... worst book ever! -.-
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Literature
  17. keyblademaster_wannabe+
  18. keyblademaster_wannabe+
  19. keyblademaster_wannabe+
    Lilo and stich "I... I'm lost..." -stich. that made me tear up :(
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  20. keyblademaster_wannabe+


    my favorite 80's song is "take on me" by Aha
    Post by: keyblademaster_wannabe+, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Music