Yes, i have to say that demyx was one of the hardest bosses i faced.
Hmmm, got an A on my math test today! ^^ that rarely happens to me ^^ How about you?
I wouldn't even if it is a life or death situtation. It's morally incorrect.
lets see... my favorite characters are Riku, Zexion, Luxord, Axel, Xion, and Sora ^^
Oh its nothing, you don't have to worry about it ^^
i'll try okay! ^-^ And yes, i'm also a big fan of Xion ^-^
Ya hopefully ^^ well gtg I have a lot of homework to finish, so later!! ^-^
HAHA which one? Some energy drinks can really make you hyper. ^^
O rly? ... Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
So i see that you're a fan of Xion ^-^
It's all good, i think it's just a little cold right now. it'll go away soon :)
Cool, sounds like you're having fun ^ ^
I don't, i mean check out the celebreties. they fall in love at first sight, get married, and then the next two weeks or so they file for divorce.
My days been going good, but i'm a little sick right now :(
Just chillaxing, what about you?
The sephiroth in kh2 was diffenetly harder than the one in kh.
Hi thar, you're pretty new here. Hows it going? ^^
Ya, same here!! *high fives you* :)
just working on homework, nothing special. what about you?
Yes, lets hope it does ^^