I never said i knew the answer ^^
definatley creative writing! Essays are usually boring ^^
Okay, time for a random question!!! Q:what is a "spondulick"? o.O
Hey it's okay, i don't know either lol! ^-^
O rly? well English is my best subject, so i think I'll manage :)
Ya i guess thats true. And sorry i didn't mean to laugh at your comment, i just thought it was cute ^^
Okay angel-roxas, here is a random question for you!!! Q: What is the electrons function in the atom?
Older sora, hands down ^.^
"but Axel had to be a little evil" LOL well i guess that's true ^-^
Awesome... the only thing that bugs me about Axel is why did he kill zexion? I mean i honestly think there was no reason for doing that! >.<
Marluxia duh! Why did you think i got the nickname "Graceful Assassin"?
Oathkeeper and Oblivion. best pairs ever!
So who are your favorite characters?
My favorite bosses where xion and riku. Everyone else sucked.
AP english huh? I'm taking that class next year ^^
Nobodies, they are rejected by both light and darkness. That makes them awesome!
sasuke, and naruto.... just because :p
Definitely "Beat it", best M.J. song ever!
Sweet, and btw thanks for the friend request! :glomp:
Oh those guys are good! I'm listening to sum 41 ever heard of those guys?