so who else is gonna help? i would really want jlhack7 2 help us and khkid i know u dont want 2 make a riku code but please help! its gonna be r last kh2 code. so can we all help and make r last code? And please dont say its not worth it or it might be impossible. cause nothing is imposible! and what ever happened 2 skiller?
C'mon guys lets make that riku code! see with evil gone khkid is the main hacker and now jlhack7 is in second place. but jlhack7 is number 1 at jokers! and all we need is some REAL effort and ill give it all i got!
ill be waiting 2 discuss this 2mmorow. later bro =)
thats the problem no body wants 2 hack the riku code but hey im up for it! ill give it all i got! ill talk 2 u later cause my eye lids feel real heavy and im tired good night ultima sora! well continue this tommorow =)
I all ready asked evil and he said that he doesnt even know where 2 begin
ya i know and evil gave up too! so i guess we gotta think of something else. but i really want riku to be r last code
i would join that team but i suck at hacking! every code i try to hack doesnt work! but i think if we get jlhack7 and khkid to do the hacking and we do the testing we could make it possible! but i think they gave up too
well i think jlhack7's help we can make a riku code! well right now my heart is telling me 2 go get ready for my date or she's gonna lock me up in the realme of darkness for a loooooong time so i really gotta go! BYE
hey ultima sora i would work on the riku code but we need a hackers help and everyone is giving up and were all not gonna leave and r hearts r conected but only through this site LOL
but its not the same well ill c'ya guys later.BYE BUDIES! LOL
LOL the only thing i have against computer games is u have 2 use a keyboard and mouse unless there is a controller like the ps2 but for there? i shouldve never bought a alien ware computer i dont really like using it
we cant hack kh birth by sleep cause theres not an ar max or gameshark for psp. and i asked evil if he was gonna hack kh 358/2 days but he doesnt know how to hack ds. but probably will be hacked by other members
what so great about world of war craft anyway? i HATE computer games
Evil u tell ur brother sir hogs alot that if he doesnt get of the computer that i will personaly go 2 ur house and beat his butt! LOL just playing =)
idk? i have lack of common sense LOL! no seriously well ill c u guys later bye!
oh but i wish they would make kh 2 fm for u.s. but i have it i just dont understand it.
so is it on youtube or u havent uploaded it yet? so i guess its time 2 say good bye kh2 and just forget about riku =(
whats done? and i think we should ALL work together and find the Riku code then say good bye to kh2. so r u guys in?
its good 2 know ur over that but i still feel real bad about it. ill try sending u a pm later and see what happens and im reeeeeeeeeeeal sry!