khkid joined and theres alot of stuff i know but i suck at hacking codes
ya but we need 2 start thinking of a game plan and if anyone else whould like 2 join either get in touch with me or ultima-sora
ya add khkid1212 he said hes gonna help!
u should join 2! who cares if u cant hack ull be a great help!:) r u in?
u think 2 negative we all know something about hacking and khkid said hes gonna help so we r on the right track! did u want 2 join?
alright!thats the spirit im looking for!
just leave redsonic alone lets not start another argument and we will be specificly working on the riku code but if we figure that out and we feel like we should find acouple of more codes then maybe and was this idea mine or ultima-sora's?
so do i! i feel like alot of people r gonna help out :) well wat about u redsonic? u in?
will u? cause u've been looking and havent gave up
so will u help? please reply so we can add ur name 2 the list
hey cloudstrife252 u've been looking for the riku code join the team! so we can work together and find riku!
so r u on the team?and for everyone who says this team is a waste ur wrong cause what if we find the riku could? what will u have 2 say for ur self?
not really cause were talking about codes. i gotta go bye!
GREAT IDEA! so once we have a team will start the riku code!
Ultima Sora dont worry about if he doesnt like me oh well he aint gonna stop me from finding the riku code! now we need 2 get a team so when i c a hacker online ill start trying 2 convince them
i dont care what u think! people got my back! so im ending this now! ITS DONE!
TOTALLY AGREED! but whose all helping first we need hackers so we need 2 encourage them
and not mad im just trying 2 tell him we need a positive attitude and not be nagative and i dont think we should start the riku code until we have a team formed
LEARN 2 FORGIVE AND FORGET! we dont need u 2 put people down and we dont need u 2 make this code
y r u so nagative? dont put redsonic down! redsonic those custom drive forms code were amazing! so will u help. and even though i cant hack me and the me and other users that cant hack could be a GREAT help