GOOD JOB! so im gonna c what some digits do later right now im going 2 the mall but ill be back in an hour 2 c what happends c we're on a good start! with everyone helping out we'll find the riku code in no time!
i know it doesnt but i want 2 be around 2 c what happends but u guys can keep going im not stoping u and please inform me when i get back =)
GOOD! but feel free 2 take a break and lets all make sure 2 participate in the team name thread
huuuuuuuuuuum. well we need 2 keep on testing but u guys should take a break u did well! im getting offline in 5 min so try not 2 do anything while im gone
k thanx. i didnt have time 2 watch it when u posted it so im gonna watch it now i was gonna make it but thanx for making it for me! ALL TEAM MEMBERS PLEASE PARTICIPATE IN THE TEAM NAME THREAD LOCATED IN THE SPAM ZONE!
were working on it! and me and ultima-sora started a team and were on r way 2 find the riku code and so far its gone by smoothly did u want 2 join we have a list with several memberfs already
THATS WHAT I WANT TO HERE! hey wheres that vid u posted that took away the command menu i cant find it and i want 2 c it
GREAT! we need lots of digits 2 be tested ya thats what i was thinking but it would be in the spam zone and ill make the thread later but we gotta let the team know
GOOD JOB! u got straight 2 work i like that!LOL anyway we need the real mickey command menu ill start testing later yes it is thats y i said we'll discuss it later and if we get in trouble for talking about it blame me cause im the one who brought it up
oh that sounds catchy LOL lets stay on topic and decide the name of the team later so the command bar code worked?
thats sounds could but i have 2 have everyone vote on it. im not gonna do anything unless everyone decides on it not if i say ok even though me and ultima-sora r the ones who started all of this
u dont have 2 be online everyday i mean like help out on the weekends its not like were gonna put the spot light on u ALL RIGHT! ur name will be on the list next time ultima-sora gets back online and what should we name the team?
cloud is the first part of the code correct or was the whole code u posted was an example? and should i use mickeys didgits for that code?
ya i know maybe if we use mickeys digits and i dont think we should use the riku code we should start off with mickey as r ginnepig or ginnemouse LOL hey evil is the vid uploaded?and r u gonna join the team?
i wont die LOL i should try it so all i do is add 00000001 at the end and use the play as mickey code or dont use the mickey code?
alright later dude if u want me 2 pm u later 2 tell what happened while ur gone i will evil r u in? so did u test it?
k good 2 have u join! ultima-sora r u getting all these people make sure there ALL added
good wat r u trying? of course! post everyone post there theories
k its a deal!add xendran to the list! evil u have 2 join please!u can help us out over the weekends and stuff
thanx dude! u can still join we need lots of testers!