like i said anyone who needs ar max ask me and ill be more than happy to convert for u and if u want 2 be part of the team u HAVE to talk to ultima-sora otherwise we wont think ur part of the team
i just posted there now and we should give instructions here and post results at the riku project thread.what do u think?
if anyone needs the codes to be converted let me know ill do it for them
cloud whats the hover riku code? and have u discovered anything new or unusual?
oh i didnt mean it in a mean way.i was just leting u know that its better that way i wasnt try to be mean or yell at u.sry cloud whats the hover riku code? and have u discovered anything new or unusual?
whats the thread about and for future references let us know what ur doing so we can follow along
k if anyone wants 2 help me in testing codes at hollow bastion then be my guest and whats the hover riku code? im gonna use it c what happends and then mess wit it
we might MIGHT have a thread in the spam zone about who should lead or we might keep me and u leading but idk. and we've made progress on riku. we got the hover riku working but we need khkid's 2 start helping wit the riku code jlhack7 do u want 2 become part of the team?we could really use ur help
ultima-sora whats wrong wit u? we both started this together. and weve gotten at a good start so we should keep going the way it is.and ur not the leader until we pick who should and u started it but we cant become control freaks.we gotta do what the people want
GREAT! and ultima-sora i got a whole bunch of members 2 join the team and we started a thread at the spam zone for the name of the team go check that out
we have some codes 2 be completed and i cant test cause im not home but when i get home im gonna start testing a whole bunch of stuff
khkid we need ur help everythings going good but now we need a real hacker 2 help out =)
so what did u find? alot of crazy things r happening at my house so i couldnt get online
well i guess we could open a thread at the spam zone for that
well me and ultima-sora thought of this but i dunno did u want someone else?
I've really been looking for codes that:Make armour Xemnas replace Goofy, Make Seifer replace Goofy or Donald, Make Leon Replace Goofy or Donald,Make Vivi replace Goofy or Donald and Sephiroth replace Goofy or Donald for pal and i cant find them.could someone post them for me? oh and they have to work on this master code: 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W
k whats happening? hows the digit testing going any digits u would like me 2 test?
ill tell ultima-sora 2 add u 2 the list and even if u cant hack we still need lots of testers!
actually i like that one but its not my choice so we should post acouple of names then take votes then get 2 the top 5 then get the final what do u guys think? oh clontox i asked if u wanted 2 be on the team but u never responed. so do u?
YAH! thanx evil! u should really consider joining the team