sadly no:(
i know a member who could do that for us but he doesnt want 2 join the team:( and ill c if he'll help out wit that but maybe he wont do the favor
im still here and khkid is probably having deficulties wit the code and will probably be online wit codes tonight ultima sora ive already said i was testing hollow bastion along time ago
hey dude wad up! and what we need 2 do is start mix and matching digits and codes
cant argue wit u there:) well now we should mess wit digits and mix and match
thanx for ur support! i think we should get the play as hover riku code and start messing wit some digits just till i think of something major
i think that we should ALL focuss on the command menu mod cause thats waaaaaay more important than the music mod
DjC is back! now give me somthing 2 test i dont care what it is and wheres khkid i havent seen him sry i havent been a good leader =( i should be online more often but im here now so wad up oooooooh and if anyone wants 2 split hollow bastion wit me ill be more than happy 2 share my world =)
k i gotta go now i might be on later c'ya another thing if a member needs 2 know what happened while there gone ask someone or just read the pages u mist.does that sound good?
Hey kh220 do u wont 2 join the team ok we really need 2 get a team name cause im tired of asking people if they want 2 be on the team
its alright we dont expect u 2 be on every day and test all day.its cool:)
sounds good to me! does anyone object?sry i've always wanted 2 say that!LOL thanx man! now we should work on the riku hover craft code and after that start the actual search of riku and we should finish testing the comand menu code cause that would be real usfull
LOL thanx GREAT!but right now we r not testing or doing anything major until tommorow
yes if u have an idea during the week post it at the riku project thread and we'll do testing on the weekends. now does that sound good? and i would like all members to say what they think
actually we had more people joined than that i cant remember all of them but when u left i had more people the pages that were finished while u were gone
bye thanx for ur help u did good 2day and u diserve rest and i was thinking we should leave the riku project for weekends since most of us r busy with school and everything and i have 3 hour detentions this whole what do u think?
that happens 2 me alot can someone just please post the riku hover craft code for me so i dont have 2 go through so much troble.thanx
i have a ucm but for some strange reason it stoped working and froze at random points of the game
me and ultima-sora r leading right now but if somthing goes wrong we need a leader that can fix it and a co-leader to back them up,converters,and testers this is a REAL team wit assighnments for everyone nobody will be left out
whats the ucm