ur not? well thats still ok anyway u had the pic of cloud on the screen wit a his own thing (forgot what its called) where u c there pic but it was black! wat happened 2 that? and dont yell at khkid its not his fault!
hey come down dude:) we all make mistakes next time he'll include u i promise k y?did something happen?im going right now!
HA! i caught u! u said "since we are" including ur self wants 2 find the riku code come on and join the team! u know u want 2 LOL
ya i know but if ask some people that hang out at the code vault about me they'll say im nice and cool right jlhack7! .................. well except for him LOL
its REAL hard!until u get the hang of the process and i post alot on my psp internet browser sinced i have a ds and not the ds lite i cant buy the internet browser:( oh well
im wasnt trying 2 be mean im sry :( but i would never lead a team 2 go hack someone elses computer.u dont know me well LOL well anyway we all make mistakes and im sry again for what i said
nope sry yo wad up hows it going:) what he said slot 1 is the character u play as.r u still confused?cause i can go into further detail
uhhhh this about a thread for r team name and were gonna try hacking the riku code thats not illegal if it is (which its not) then they need 2 close down the kingdom hearts 2 codes thread and please dont come in 2 this thread and post something stupid like that cause if u dont want us 2 work on the riku that everyone wants that bad people r gonna hate u.not that im trying 2 be mean
well i think that we should split the worlds in half so more people can have the world they want so ill see if i can get u that world:) its okay ill let u know when something needs testing :)
yes they be in ur party well only because ur playing as them but riku is a world character and ur saying it freezes cause he is in ur party.right?correct me if im wrong and the ? mark thing is that because i confused u about the slot 1 thing?
i vote for kingdom hacks
sry dude nothing still waiting on the new digit system
when u play as a world character they will not be in ur party cause they r moved 2 slot 1
good theory but when u play as a world character thet wont be in ur party
he just left again! man i wonder y he wont post anything maybe he is having a difficult time and doesnt want 2 say cause will yell at him or something
khkid ur online! can u tell us wat u've acomplished (post it at the riku thread)
lets just try 2 figure out the name of the team and come back here A.S.A.P.! i hope we get a team name by tonight!
dont be sry we all make mistakes :) its in page 5 and its called hack team name
no someone (i forgot who) maid a thread for me 2 discuss the name and just decideing on a team name here will cause a mess cause we're posting r results, setting people up for what world they want,etc.
u gotta give khkid time im excited 2 but right now we just need 2 wait. for right now since theres nothing 2 do lets work on the name of r team! but do not talk about that here! theres a thread in the spam zone for that topic.