i can get get u 1 of those things LOL just playing y dont u use the code that can make u ALL world characters?
hey i tried switching slot 1 wit slot 2 and got bsod so thats no good any suggestions
im back but not 4 long so do u guys need anything?
dang what page cause we went through like 20 pages that 1 day EDIT:ill find it later ultima-soras in charge untill i get back i gotta go c ya guys tonight or tommorow
its not there im wonder if it was at the kh2 codes thread in the code vault or here?
i cant find does anyone remember when cloud posted that code then he put 00000001 at the end then i asked if that was what i was 2 put in or was it an example?well thats the code im talking about
ill go look for it ill update this post when i get it actually no that isnt what im talking about sry LOL
man we really REALLY need a new digit system.then we'll be on the right track
well we start wit messing wit the code cloud posted along time ago
now lets make the gameplan and assign jobs WATCH IT!in case u havent noticed me and ultima-sora r the leaders and i dont even have 2 blink 2 get u out PUNK! LOL now lets make the gameplan and assign jobs
how could u say that? u should be happy that u joined:yelling:
oh u dont have 2 join if u dont want 2 LOL hes just acting like hes mad but right now hes jumping around his room saying YA!WOHOO!IM ON THE TEAM! LOL
hey be nice and everybody knows if U WANT 2 JOIN U HAVE 2 LICK UR ELBOW AND SCREAM LIKE ALITTLE GIRL!LOL just kiding
bye!but i thought u were on the team already?oh well
nope evil man is not gonna join thats what he told me jlhack7 wants 2 join put he just wont admit it LOL
wait r u on the team? cause if not u sure sound like it i know u want 2 join u cant hide it:)
u sure can u dont need 2 know how 2 hack all u have 2 do is be a tester if u cant hack!what world would u like?
yep u can post that since this is the spam zone but i would really like u 2 join but suit ur self
but thats not all we thought u were making a digit system and use that code and use it with play as cloud code and c what happens
so khkid wasnt working on anything at all sooo what thats what we get 4 not making a gameplan that i suggested we make along time ago