i know ur busy but y cant my pms be sent to u? and r mad at me about what i said cause if thats the case i said i was sry and im not joking im the real b***h so im real sry
jlhack7 ill erase this post after u read it but i got ur pm and i tried to responed back but it wont let.could it be that u have me on ur ignore list so i cant send u a pm?
yea i know!we should all go delete r posts but i guess its okay 2 leave them there so i might erase it later but im gonna get offline in like 10 min
LOL im not gonna tell u 2 get a job! send me a pm cause we're spaming way too much
wad up dude no u havent missed a thing and i sent u a pm wats the funny story?how came i cant know?
thats the beuty of the psp i know how to hack a psp real good but i cant cause of my firmware darn!do u have 1.5 firmware or custom firmware?
i know u were joking but i also thought that u were joking about borrawing it too!sry but u should concider asking for a ds or psp for christmas and what game do u want more kh birth by sleep or kh 358/2 days?and what system do u want more psp or ds?
LOL ur soo full of it!LOL y dont u buy a used psp or ds and the psp went down in price so its cheaper and buy a regular ds there cheap and u still have time to get one for christmas cause the game probably wont come out till next year so u still have hope!LOL
instead of paying me 120 dollars u could just go buy a ds lite then u could buy kh 358/2 days LOL
hey i just got back from visiting my cousin in winsconson! i live in Illinose LOL non taken
i dont have a ps3 but i could get one.im just gonna wait for more better games 2 come out and im hooked on my psp heck right now im using the psp internet browser to write this
i would seriously let u barrow mine but we probably live far away from eachother and r u talking about the article about the impression of the new games?then yes i have read them
ya i know its gonna be sweet but im more interested about kh birth by sleep for psp but i have both systems so im all set!do u have all the systems?and im still very excited about kh 358/2 days! ive seen better days
i am wad up ultima sora LOL sry i was just wondering cause if it really is gonna be in 3d then we need 2 hack!LOL
LOL ok!man i spam 2 much! hey evil r u gonna be hacking kh 358/2 days?
im in 10th grade and it pays off 2 be on the football team.and i dont really understand what u said?
i got into a fight but someone snitched on me and since the principle didnt see no bruses on me or the guy i was fighting we didnt get suspended we got detensions
GREAT! but does this mean that u wont be online anymore cause of collage? 2 bad theres no way we can throw u a goodbye party over the internet =(
bye i probably wont be on as much either for the next couple of days cause i have three hour detentions the WHOLE next week hey evil wad up? so hows the vid coming along?
well u could look at the front page of this site LOL but ive been going 2 khinsiders for info