Man, I just couldn't stop looking..... What's next? Squall's uniform? Terra's Uniform? Sephiroth's uniform?
Wrong. Miles is online by the time I posted this message.
XD, How could we if he is isn't online as usual anymore?
Lol, I can't help it sometimes. I got it from Indecypher... XD
Most people think I'm 17-18 because of my height, voice and how I act. Even though I'm 14.... But getting back to topic, no. I don't brag my age to others, even if it's a joke. I never liked bragging in fron of people's faces about my age. So, I'm the youngest in the classroom, but one of the tallest. It's so/so for me.
Like what Nova said, you don't need a guide. You have a whole community of KH fans who play the game. Just ask anyone who plays KH3D.
I actually did this on my first playthough on KHII, and there's really no major changes plot-wise.
I should change my avatar then...
Welcome to KH-Vids WIWI! Please ask any staff member or look around the FAQs if you have any questions, and feel free to ask any one of us for help if you need any. See you around the forums!!!
No classes for Six days straight starting tomorrow. Woot, Woot!!!!
Xehanort squared. XD
Purple yam and cheese ice cream in a bun. ....Yes, Purple yams and cheese is an ice cream flavor around here and they are delicious on a bun.
This is so cool! These are some pretty good swaps.
Lucky you! XD
Ain't that the truth!!! XD
Well, I AM busy with lots of homework and projects....
Nah, I just like the song. And OMG, you too!!!! I can't stand watching it again the third time after me and my cousins watched it.
Keep up the good work, Oda! You have so much potential!
To be honest, I love all of his boss battle themes. But Lord of the Castle is my personal favorite. It makes me feel that this is a real life and death battle (How ironic since he cats Doom on Sora).
That's even a better name! So I'm calling him that! XD