The man did the right thing. He did it just to protect the innocent child's life. But when compared to the dog incident, the suspect is an actual threat to society. The dog isn't.
Nice avatar Picture of Sora and Kairi!!!
Welcome to KH-Vids TheMindlessNightmare! Please look in the FAQs or ask any staff members if you need any help. And feel free to ask any one of us for help if you need any. See you around the forums!!!
Okay...... nope.avi
OMG, I can't wait for this!!!
I like the remasters of the old songs! But there are times when I think that the original is better.....
You all sound beautiful! Keep up the good work!
I use Chrome on the PC, Safari on my iPod/iPad, Opera on my phone.
Can't say that I have. But I do have it.
Former seekers of light who don't wnat to balance the darkness and light. That or something similar to Unversed.
Urahara, Tessai, Jinta and Ururu? I like the group! :3 Very true indeed! Ichigo Orihime Rukia Byakuya Kaien Ichigo's Hollow (Or Hichigo as most fans call him.) Uryuu Chad Aizen Pale guy with white hair..... Is it Ukitake or Toshiro? Konamura Renji? Kon and their Zanpakutos.... Yeah, you got the descriptions right.
I lke Jayn's drunk threads....
OMG, I like that figure! Just put it in a shelf. Like what Nate said.
Hope I can see you soon! Even though we are not close.... Hope you have fun in camp?
Welcome to KH-Vids! Wish you good luck your army! Please ask any staff member or look any FAQs if you have any questions. And feel free to ask any one of us for help if you need any. See you around the forums!
Welcome to KH-Vids, Jahan! Ask any staff member or look on the FAQs if you have any questions. And feel free to ask any one of us for help if you need any. See you around the forums! Britain, Huh? I've always wanted to go there...
Demyx! I just love it how laid-back he is.
I decided that I'm going to Name it Exbo. Since it's a cool name. Though I planned on naming him Llave.....
I'd say that I should socialize more to other people.
Stay safe, Plums! Hope you have fun!!!