I think that Square made a good move in making KHIII multiplatform now that I think about it. libregkd's post made sense to me. This is also one of the reasons why I also think that Square made the game multiplatform okay to me.
I'll just take my time, and enjoy the story. I'll also do the side quests and the secret bosses. Then I'll replay the game on either Proud or Critical mode and try to have 100% Journal completion.
I would LOVE to get those keychains! And the Dusk plushie is so cute!!!!
The KH shader is doing a great job! And I just love it!
One hundred and twenty four.
Banned because I haven't posted here in a while.
Hmm.... I wonder how Indecypher is doing....
This is fake. It would take better than that for me to believe what the guy said. It's just some guy who wants to ruin Microsoft's business.
I was indifferent for him at first, but I recently start to hate him. Mostly because he's so arrogant and overconfident. And that he basically spams autotune on most of his songs. So yeah, the Anna Frank thing crossed the line for me, but most people must have done something stupid once in their life. That's human nature, there's nothing we can really do about it.
I can see DDD playable on the consoles as a digital download only. Even though DDD is very important to the storyline, it is still too recent for it to be included in HD 2.5 REMIX.
The former for me. At least I can plan my strategy on what can I use and what I don't need. Also, you'll be able to equip most of them when you're level 99 anyways.
I can see the Apprentices getting information about Xehanort's plans. But I really want Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene to appear in KHIII. Besides Larxene and Marluxia plotting against Xemnas, we don't really know much about them. In DDD, The main focus is Riku, not Sora. And Nomura stated that himself. Also about Sora being the Main character for the future games.
I can see 2.5 REMIX to be released next year. KHIII is still in it's early stages in development.