Obvious troll is obvious. Except it's not a troll.
Gee, you noticed this now? Yeah, he's like another Riku, but I just love the guy! I just hope he has a better voice actor though..... Not that his voice actor is bad, but it can sound a little bit.... off at some points....
Like what Miles said, the A.I. of KHII is an improvement from KHI. I think it's a developer's oversight though.
Actually, the education system here is different fromk America. But I wish I could be a smart cookie!!! Yup! Now moving to a KH one where Terra,...
Yeah, the Breaded Veal Provolone sounds good. And the menu is making me hungry....
Well, I'm neutral in this case. I'm excited that there will be a Batman and Superman collaboration, but like what Below said, I wish that they would make a second superman movie before making the Batman/Superman collaboration. And 2015? That's too soon.....
Hello, Lalalablah! And welcome to KH-Vids! Please ask any staff member of look around the FAQs if you have any questions. And feel free to ask us for help if you need any. See you around the forums!!
Yeah. Well, I am a senior..... even though I'm 14.... XD It went well!
Now that's true!
x [chi] is awesome! Totally one of my favorite browser games ever!!!
And it turns out....... you're right! But yeah, since x [chi] is released, KHIII will be released in either late 2015 or early 2016, depending on the progress of the development.
Now why does this remind me of what I did during my gra- Nevermind......
Llave picked your username for you? One of the reasons why I like the guy.... :3
Banned because I'm not originally a Vagineer.
Banned for being an Enigmatic Aqua.
Great, now I get to face my arch-nemesis.......homework and projects......
You're welcome! Where did the your current username come from?
I'm fine! Busy with chool work..... Now doing a Pokemon RP with my friend!!!!
That's great news!!!! Now we still have to wait for the English version....
Really?! They must be plain stupid or just Microsoft fanboys if they petition for the old policies back..... Microsoft did a good save when they announced the new features, but returning the old ones? I'm starting to wonder if the Microsoft fanboys want their #1 company to fail in the gaming industry.....