I had something like that yesterday. Can't believe I have 5 bars now. /notarepwhore
I'm neither :lolface: U mad?
That was great. I laughed. Alright my turn. A polar bear walks into a bar, goes up to the bartender and says, "I'll have a jin......................................and two shots of rum." The bartender looks at him and says, "Sure buddy, but what's with the big pause?"
"I.....hope I'm not you mix signals"?
[video=youtube;FCSBoOcGFFE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCSBoOcGFFE&feature=relmfu[/video] Reality hits you hard, bro.
I'll take any criticism I can.
Alright, I'm siging off now. Later <3
Ha ha!!! Ok, I see. I have about 10 min before my last class, but I may not be on until 4 today. That's when you're done so that'll be...
Confusions? Like what?
Whoa.....something sensable in the spam-zone? This is new to me. I'm always open for a conversation with someone, but starting one has never been my strong suit. I know I could just type, "Hey there" or "How are you", but these just seem weak starters for me. Am I the only one that thinks this way?
"You guess"? What's wrong?
I always knew they had their ups and downs.
Dido. Guilty as charged. I bought the game last night, but I have yet to play it. I've heard "issues" the predessessor had were slightly modified, but I guess I'll just have to play and see for myself.
Hey there. How are you?
lol Yes, that's exactly what it means. Alright I have to go. Later.
What is that? The owl version of him? /inb4badjoke
No. I should be free tonight.
Dr. Who...............
*yawns* I'm ok. Getting ready for my next class.
Yeah. So, how are you?