Oh okay :( I'll try something else later :) EDIT: Render:http://planetrenders.net/renders/dis...805&fullsize=1 Dimensions: Normal Text (Optional): Style/Color: Do what you do, have something contrasting I guess. Will this work?
I assume that it meant to do with something with darkness, and that he could sense using the darkness?
I would assume that Xemnas is replaced by Sephiroh, so that you just go to memories skyscraper?
So................. You hold keyblades? how does it work?
I thought atlantis was quite good :)
Oh cool, that would be awesome if he could use a "guard" and have a counterattack for it :D
I have no clue how a good resolution picture of something quite insignificant is going to be made :( Sorry.
Look on the front page, and click the attachment saying "KH stat.zip" ...... It's not rocket science.
Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks :) Then, I recommend you get a 13-inch or a Air. The 13-inch and air have various simalarities, such as the Air having a 120GB capacity, and the 13-inch having similar features. However, the only downside of the Air is that it only has 1 USB Port and it's storage is quite small :(
Do you mean the lion coins that dangle on the chest? Specifically, this one?
So it just uses the block points if you get hit? That's kind of cool :) Though, installing a guard mechanism like KH1/KH2 would be cool, but I'm not sure whether it'll be possible.
I think she should wait a while, and try to cool off. That kind of boyfriend seems like a not nice boyfriend.. Try to get to know a bit more about him, a guy who wants to lose his virginity just sounds weird...
Wow... That's rare. Espically since they're meant to stop ovulating once they get pregnant. Did she have a hormone injection? :lolface:
lol, nice secret boss, but the game mechanism didn't explain how to use guard :( I like the cameo appeararence, and the secret boss fight :)
I thought for that code you have to make the value as small as you can? lol. Now I remember the real thing I wanted to ask. If you use Neo-Moveset Mod with Final, will it be able to guard?
I think it's a kind of subconcious reaction to Roxas still lingering. After all, he says six pretty soon after he was merged with Roxas.
Nice, is the last two pictures showing them in the full armor form?
Axel with DW Roxas, or Limit Cut Roxas.
Cloud and Sephiroth.
lol, that was awkard. The battle motions didn't even show any sparks, and the heartless didn't have a lock on of any kind, the camera was bad, and there was absolutely no storyline at all. At least it look okay-ish for a game. Taking into account that it's probably really old. I Lol'ed at the part where he jumps onto the crate. He looks like he's try to do splits, then he smashes himself into the ground.