Umm, perhaps the ability of EXP 0 might affect it. Check your abilities, it should be the very last one before the weapon abilty.
lol, i'm not a coder. I want a code for max Strength as well, as the strength I have is WAY too much. I have 530 strength.... OD. say no more. And I can't either.
cooooooooool :)
i know :) I'm so bored.
heyhey :) Im good :)
heyhey, I got this too :) This is because you used cheats, and aren't meant to be able to able to glide. to RECTIFY THIS, finish the game, WITH HOLLOW BASTION TRON, and Sephiroh. Then you can use it. The reason for this is because the game thinks that you don't have final form, and therefore glide before you defeat Roxas. Also, if you finish the game, and then complete CoR, then complete Hollow Bastion transformed to Radiant Garden, then complete CoR, using your glide. Otherwise, you get a bad glitch :( This is that the shortcut to CoR, which you unlocked, dissapears. When you exit from the Data Organisation, then you walk on nothing for like 1 second, while you see black, before the game relaises that there's nothing underneath you, and therefore you start falling.
Maybe 20000?
WTTD. It's a combination of light and darkness :)
Google is my world.
which has mold in it.
That's what I meant, it's a vigorous thing to do, and considered a workout. If it's considered a workout, then you never need to leave the bed to get your daily exercise :lolface:
A medium-balanced life. So occasionally go party and drink booze and have sex (which there is nothing wrong with, and might even enhance your lifetime) but eat healthily and exercise.
MAJOR NECROBUMP. Anyways, since it's been bumped up here already, could I request the code?
Probably work on emu for me as well. After all, emu can play any DS game.
Lol, im good, how bout you?
Yes, but they probably won't.
Okay :) 02042AAC 000000FF
Yay, I would rep you, but i need to spread some around first. Could you make my name more noticeable? Thanks :) Sorry, I keep using an underscore lol. Could you make it without an underscore? thanks :)
Don't get so pissy. Seriously. Anyways, the code is on the front page.