Riku was already sitting in the chair he had occupied a few days ago, leaning against his fingertips that rested against his temple. He saw Namine come into the room out of the corner of his eye just as Kairi turned on one of the lamps, but he didn't react in anyway. Kairi turned on the lamp between the loveseat and the couch only, thinking that was enough illumination and that it provided a nice cozy feel to the room. She sat down on the loveseat with a small sigh, glad to be somewhere comfortable instead of in the hands of Smith and his Heartless. After slipping off his shoes, Roxas followed his friends into the living room. Since he was in a place surrounded by peace, he couldn't help but notice his wounds. He was dirty and his clothes were torn in several places, and his body was sore. Smith had put up a good fight, but fortunately Roxas and his friends were the ones that came out victories. It was only bad that it wasn't unscathed.
But yesterday I was at 850+ posts. WHAT HAPPENEDDD? xDD
Dude. I'm a PREMMY????? O.o Holy crap! Anyway, I can't stay on long. I just wanted to tell you that I'll probably be back around 11 my time or...
Kairi watched Sora go before motioning for Namine and Roxas to follow her with her hand. She started toward the living room, hoping the Riku hadn't tripped in the dark. Then again, the hall light was probably providing enough illumination for him. Roxas nodded once, but first started to slip off his shoes. Even if he had neglected to do it before, he needed to do it now, especially if he wanted to be more comfortable.
Roxas smiled sheepishly at Namine's look and words, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah... We may have gotten the brownies, but after that wasn't so fun," he said, glancing from Namine to Sora, and then finally Kairi. Kairi only smiled, turning her gaze from Roxas to Riku. "Sora and Roxas had to clean my basement after stealing my brownies," she told him, having seen how confused he appeared. Riku rolled his eyes and shook his head, though a smirk of amusement was on his face. "Figures," he said, walking past Kairi (who was the furthest into the house) and making himself at home, turning to go into the living room.
Sounds good to me. =) After my next post, I'm off. See you later, hopefully!
Riku followed Kairi's lead and slipped his shoes off as well, glancing at Sora with a slight turn of his head. "So your appetite hasn't ceased," he recognized with a shake of his head. He turned his eyes to Namine. "I feel sorry for you." Kairi turned around after placing her shoes neatly against the wall. "Roxas isn't any better," she added with a small smile, her eyes finding the blond boy by the door. Roxas whirled around after he shut the door, eyes wide. "Hey!" he cried, eyes finding Kairi instantly. Since when did things get turned on him?
Probably too early... =( My friends take me for more than like, 2 hours, which sucks. I don't like to be out long. xD
"No kidding..." Riku followed Sora inside, briefly recalling that the last time he was on this doorstep was to provide bad news. Right now, it seemed like that news was old news, and things were better now. Kairi bent down, starting to untie her sneakers. She barely heard her two friends speaking, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Regardless, she let it go and tended to her shoes.
Well, after I eat with them, I'll probably be with my friend. I should be back later tonight though. I just don't know what time. =/
"Probably," Kairi said, laughing a little. She bent down a little as she worked on unlocking the door, maneuvering the paperclip around until she finally heard the "tick" of the lock being opened. "There." She straightened and pulled the paperclip out of the keyhole, twisting the knob and letting the door open in front of her. Kairi turned back to Sora and her friends, a triumphant smile on her lips. Riku only continued to look at Kairi in confusion. "Huh. When did you learn to do that?" he asked, seeing the girl step into the house first. "A little while ago," she said, walking further into the dark entryway to allow everyone in behind her. She'd brilliantly forgotten her key one day and once she finally got back into her house, she looked up ways online on how to get back into her home without a key. It worked out well, and for more than just her.
Just to let you know, I have to go soon. I have family coming over in a little while. =/
Kairi turned her eyes to Sora and smiled softly at his expression, but she nodded anyway. She reached into the pocket of her jeans, having a paperclip in her pocket on a daily basis in case she forgot her key. Or, in cases like this, Sora forgot his. "Maybe I should teach you how to do this," Kairi joked lightly, stepping closer to the door as she worked on opening the lock. Riku arched an eyebrow, slightly confused. Break into houses? What exactly had he missed while he was gone?
Hero - Taj 8D
Kairi continued to walk beside Sora, the girl glancing up at his house as they approached it. Finally, a place to rest. She was already feeling warm and at peace from the problem disappearing and by being next to Sora, but rersting at his house was a plus. Riku walked a few steps behind his best friends, hands in loose fists at his sides out of habit. The whole way here he had been looking around at his surroundings. New York was like Destiny Islands, in a way; homes were in sight and people were genuinely happy by what he could read on their expressions. It was busier than the Islands, but he could see how his friends could adapt to it. Roxas kept his hold on Namine's hand gentle but secure, walking beside her as they approached Sora's home. They all agreed to crash here for the night, considering it was probably late evening by the way the sky was a dim blue from the sunset. Besides, he didn't want to separate himself from Namine anyway.
Roxas's lips turned up a little more, the boy securing his fingers around Namine's hand before starting to walk. He wasn't going to miss this place one bit, and the fact that they would never have to come back thrilled him. Finally. This mess was over.
Roxas held out his hand to her. "Leave and never come back?" he encouraged with a small smile. He knew instantly that Namine would agree, but it seemed that she was so lost in her thoughts that she neglected to notice that Sora, Kairi, and Riku were already out of the room. It was time to go home.
We'll just take them to Sora's then. =)
Kairi glanced over at Sora as he started to walk, the girl moving with him automatically. Her gaze then fell forward, the girl not bothering to look back at the room that surrounded her. They were never going to see this place again. Riku looked from his best friends to the blondes, but he immediately followed Sora and Kairi. There seemed to be something going on between Namine and Roxas that he didn't know about, and he honestly didn't want to know. Whatever the problem was, it was probably resolved now. Roxas took a few more steps forward before stopping, looking down a little at Namine. The gang was heading out, and he didn't mind following. Surely she was the same. "Hey," he said softly, his eyes gentle as he gazed at her.
Time gap sounds good, and it doesn't matter to me. What do you think?