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  1. Forever Love
    Roxas looked up when he felt someone's gaze on him, but by the gentleness he already knew who it was. A small smile graced his lips when he met Namine's eyes, the boy nodding slightly to her before he took his place beside her again. It wasn't...awkwardly quiet in here, but there seemed to be a peaceful aura surrounding all of them. Roxas could only pin that on one thing: Smith's defeat.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Forever Love
    I Don't Wanna Dance - Hey Monday
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    ...Butit'ssopretty. :3

    ...Butit'ssopretty. :3
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 2, 2010
  4. Forever Love
    Roxas walked out of Sora's room, now completely changed into a pair of black sweats and blue t-shirt. His traveling attire was in Sora's room, but folded neatly despite how tattered it was. He decided he would get it later when he went home. Roxas rolled his right shoulder, which was just aching and not so much injured as his other one was, as he approached the living room, turning into the doorway and being welcomed by silence as he made his way to the couch again.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Forever Love
    If I Had You - Adam Lambert
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Forever Love
  7. Forever Love
    Roxas walked down the hall and turned at the door he knew belonged to Sora's room. Once he stepped inside and closed the door, he saw Sora's extra clothes neatly set on the bed. Roxas didn't hesitate, starting to take off his traveling clothes when he was next to the bed.

    Riku closed his eyes at the burning in his chest, the older teen taking in a breath and releasing it through his nose. One thing he hated about this place was that potions never worked here, which meant that he would have to deal with this pain until he left this world and could actually put one to use.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Forever Love
    Dubbed. Always. I figure it's because I get annoyed that I have to read the words at the bottom of the screen, and then I can't focus on the action happening in the actual anime. It got frustrating after a while, so I just switched. Now I can't watch anything but English dubbed versions.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Forever Love
  10. Forever Love
    Roxas opened his eyes, lifting his head off the back of the couch. He opened his eyes and blinked once so Sora's form wasn't blurry anymore. He nodded once the words registered to him, the boy having been lost in his thoughts. "'Kay, thanks," he said, a small amount of gratitude coming through in his voice. Roxas put his hands on his knees and pushed himself up, suppressing a grunt of pain as he did so. He then started out of the room, turning at the doorway to go to Sora's room.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Forever Love
  12. Forever Love
    Riku only smiled a little and dropped his gaze back to the floor, the same place he had been looking at before Sora came in. It was weird now, not having any threats. He had been so used to them for so long that he wasn't used to this kind of peace. Riku never just sat around; right after he finished a battle he just kept on walking until he found another one.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Forever Love
    I went from 856 to 1,466. Thank goodness for this new section. :3
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Forever Love
  15. Forever Love
    Riku looked over at Sora's attire and let out a single chuckle, the boy's lips turning up faintly. "You didn't waste any time, did you?" he asked, referring to how quickly his best friend got changed out of his traveling outfit. Somehow, it didn't surprise him; Sora always did prefer more comfortable clothing. That was why he wore those poofy red pants a few years ago. "Come on! These feel great!" he'd said. Right.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Forever Love
    Ah, rubix cues. Things I will never learn. xD

    Nah, just kidding. I actually do want to try and see how to do one, considering one of my good friends can solve them and taught a few of my other friends how to do it. I know it can be done, but since I have little patience, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it. So many steps involved. Gahhh.

    I would feel accomplished in a way if I learned how to solve one, especially those that are bigger than the normal ones. Like, not 3x3x3, but 5x5x5. Yeah, ha, I'll probably have to attempt to conquer the 2x2x2. Yeah, attempt.

    I'll give it a go eventually. My one and only record will be more like days compared to minutes. xD
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  17. Forever Love
    Fire Bomb - Rihanna
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Forever Love
    Roxas walked in and approached the couch Namine was on without a second thought. He lowered himself down to the cushion beside her, his eyebrows furrowing a little bit at the soreness of his body. Oh well. He would just have to get used to that.
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Forever Love
    I noticed that. Jeez! xDD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Aug 2, 2010
  20. Forever Love
    Sad Story - Loveholic

    It's been YEARS. c:
    Post by: Forever Love, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: The Playground