Oh? Whatcha doin'? :3
Roxas turned his gaze to the girl beside him and nodded a little. "Yeah," he said, verbally backing up his decision. It didn't matter to him where he slept, just as long as he got some rest. But he wanted Namine to be comfortable, and that was most likely in a bed. Riku nodded as well, looking from Namine to Kairi. His look was set, his decision made up. He would stay out here, preferring that the girls got rest in one of the beds. Kairi pressed her lips together, agreeing with what Namine said. But it seemed like she didn't really have a choice.
There's a possibility I might be hanging out with a group of friends later on today; I'm not sure yet, though. How about you?
"Kairi and Namine," Riku said without missing a beat, volunteering the girls to take the beds. He would be fine out here; the living room was more comfortable than sleeping in the gummi ship or on the ground, like he was used to. Kairi turned her head a little to gaze at where Riku was sitting, the girl's smile fading. Somehow, she should have expected that from at least one of the guys. Roxas opened his eyes and brought his head off the back of the couch, immediately nodding in agreement. The girls needed to take the beds. It just felt like the right thing to do.
Soooo....yeah. xD
Kairi turned her head to look at Sora, a soft smile forming on her lips. She couldn't deny that she wanted to sleep. Not only because she was exhausted, but also because she didn't want to remember this day. She wanted it to end as quickly as possible, since it didn't hold the best memories. Roxas felt a smile appear on his face, a single chuckle leave him. "I wouldn't doubt it. I'm exhausted." And sore, he added mentally. He was sure with a little sleep it would wear off, considering he had been running on pure adrenaline lately.
Yuppers. =)
Roxas kept his eyes closed, a soft breath leaving him when he felt Namine's head on his shoulder. He couldn't believe how tired and relieved he was that all of this was over. He was curious as to what they were going to do now, but by the silence, it seemed no one else knew either.
I iz aware. :3
Roxas tightened his grip on Namine's hand a little, making it more secure. She was really there with him, and she wasn't hurt. That was one of the most important things that stood out to him right now. Smith had managed to hurt Namine pretty badly in the past, but she stood up to him. She was so brave, and it made Roxas proud. He had a feeling nothing about Smith would hurt them from here on out.
The Last Song - Rihanna
I honestly don't get this. We see the Heartless and Nobody symbol; 'kay, cool. And I know that it's a crown now, but what's the big deal with hiding it? A lot of people thought it was the Unbirth symbol, so it was understandable then. But seriously, if it's just a crown, why hide it? Is there some big significance that somehow relates to the crown not only in the Kingdom Key but also around Sora's neck? This series has way too many unanswered questions.
Alrighty. See ya in a bit!
Riku opened his eyes and glanced at Roxas, but then his eyes fell down to the floor. It was obvious by Roxas's relief and the way things had been between him and Smith that the past obviously was not present. Who knew that a person so evil would even find his friends? Riku didn't understand; weren't they here to escape all of that?
xD Gotcha. =)
Roxas leaned his head back against the couch, closing his eyes and sighing. "I'm so glad that's over," he said without thought, his voice soft in the room, though his relief was obvious. Smith had been just as bad as Jeff in the past, and now that he was finally finished like Jeff, Roxas didn't think anymore problems would be coming his and Namine's way. That was wonderful, considering he was still needing to figure himself out and repair the parts of their relationship that he managed to break. Kairi nodded faintly, the girl hugging her knees as she sat on the loveseat beside Sora. It had been terrifying, being in Smith's grasp. However, she knew it must have been just as frightening for Namine, considering the man had had a grudge against her and Roxas, which she knew was now broken. She was glad; he wasn't going to bother her friends ever again.
Up - Jesse McCartney No autotune! D: I want to hear his actual voice!
I think that's why it's so hard to drop this RP. xD
At the thought, Roxas lifted his hand and lightly wrapped it around Namine's that was closest to him. Smith was gone, and he couldn't hurt her anymore. He was so relieved that the man wasn't even in existence anymore; not even the Realm of Darkness was where he belonged. Namine and his friends were safe from him forever.
Eep! :3 So I was reading over our previous thread and whatnot last night when I couldn't make myself go to bed, and we were so emotionally...