Oh, I know. I feel like crap. xP
In her sleep, Kairi was completely unaware of Sora's eyes on her. If she were, though, she would have blushed. Whenever those big blue eyes fell on her, she got shy or she felt the love through the gaze. It made her happy to recognize that, though she couldn't feel anything while she was sleeping against Sora.
Well, I got home at 2 last night and let a friend crash at my house. Then I slept until 2 this afternoon. I think I overslept. xD
Kairi breathed evenly, one arm across Sora's stomach as she rested. She moved her head a little more against Sora's shoulder without realizing it, her red hair covering the side of her face. Sora had made things so much better for her over the night, his presence pushing away bad dreams. She couldn't be more grateful.
=) So, I'm like, completely exhausted. I can't even think straight. xD
The next morning... Kairi slept soundly, her unconscious empty of dreams and only blackness. Ever since Sora showed up, she'd been okay. Nothing dark haunted her in the form of nightmares, but nothing light graced her in the form of dreams either, but she was okay with that. After all, she was comfortable and getting rest. That was enough for her. Roxas continued to sleep through the sunlight shining on his form from the windows, his exhaustion from the events the day before catching up with him. The soreness from the fight earlier was gone for now, the boy temporarily free of pain as he dreamed of nothing but blackness. Riku was sitting up in the chair, having been awake for the past hour or so. His eyes were currently trained on the television screen. It was on low volume that way he wouldn't wake anyone up, his thoughts a blur for now as he watched the early-morning sitcom that was playing on the screen.
Okie dokie.
Hey there. I have no idea to where to start in the RP, so.... xD
Alrighty then. Have fun and good luck tomorrow! See ya! =)
Actually, since we seem to be at a good stopping point, you wanna quit here for tonight? And then I guess we'll pick up...Wednesday? You're busy...
Kairi felt herself losing consciousness as the minutes went by, her grip on reality fading. She thought one thing before sleep completely pulled her under, and it was directed toward Sora. Thank you.
Honestly, I don't know. Whenever I can't take sitting here any longer. xD
Kairi felt her lips turn up into a faint smile, the girl snuggling her head a little more toward Sora's neck. She let the silence set in, Sora's words hanging in the air and reaching her heart. She could already feel herself drifting, and she had Sora to thank for that.
Not bad, I must say. Though I do plan to get off pretty soon. I'm exhausted. Dx
Kairi sighed softly, already beginning to feel her sleepiness kick back in again. She wasn't sure how long Sora would stay, but she would enjoy his company while it lasted. Hopefully the lasting effect would ward off any other nightmares. "...I love you," Kairi whispered gently, her voice filling the silence in his bedroom.
xD Yeah...
Kairi closed her eyes at the kiss, a soft breath leaving her as she started to relax in Sora's hold. She was so grateful for him; he was one of the best people she knew. Her world would be so different without him by her side. And honestly, she didn't want it any other way. Kairi loved Sora, through thick and thin, and the happy and the sad.
That's immature, and stupid. You're better off without him in your life.
Kairi nodded slightly and lowered her eyes from Sora's, the girl then leaning her head lightly against her boyfriend's shoulder. Gosh, she was so glad that dream was just a dream; if Sora weren't here... She didn't want to think about that, but she knew that she wouldn't go running to someone else. That was one mistake she would never even consider again. Riku smiled to himself, observing his friends for one more moment before turning around to head back the way he came. He didn't make any noise, forgetting any other plans as he made his way back to the living room.
Used to? He must have some growing up to do. xD