Woo! More RPing! 8D
Roxas looked up at the words, discovering that Sora was talking to him. He shook his head as he responded. "I can't," he said. "Don't you remember? I reside in Darkness; I can't hold up a shield like this." DiZ's words had a heavy influence on him, which only made Roxas second guess himself a lot. This was one of those times. He couldn't possibly keep a shield made of Light up.
I am. :3 Aren't you excited?
Roxas lowered his sight to Sora and then to the ground. What could they do? Obviously only he and Riku could do something, but what? "I...I can't think of anything," Roxas said, shaking his head as his eyes looked up to the top of the shield, where the Darkness was pouring onto them.
Riku shook his head. "I don't know..." he said, his eyes roaming the dome-like shield over them. He had a feeling that they wouldn't have enough time to think up a plan, though. Sora couldn't hold this shield over them forever, and the Darkness seemed to be growing stronger, from what Riku's senses were telling him.
Be back shortly!
"What's happening?" Kairi asked, looking up and around them as everything was covered by Darkness. What triggered this? "The strongest person in the Realm of Darkness was just defeated," Riku stated, his eyes flickering to Kairi. "The Realm seems to be acting on its own from the loss." It was trying to crush them, but thanks to Sora, they were still alive.
=) I have to go in a few, but I'll be back in like 30 minutes or so.
Riku stared up at the Darkness swarming over the shield Sora created, grateful for his friend's strength. But how long would this last, and how long could Sora hold it off? Roxas's eyes darted around in shock, the boy seeing Darkness pool out on the ground surrounded by the shield. He got a hunch that this was happening because of Smith's defeat, which only made him furrow his eyebrows.
Intense moments are attention-grabbing. xP
Roxas's brows only lowered more at the words, the boy glancing from Sora to Riku expectantly. When Riku only continued to look around the Realm, the blond tried to pay attention to his senses. It was then that he felt it. Darkness, and it was much heavier. Riku looked around the area, able to see farther due to being used to the Realm. It was when he caught something in the sky that his eyes widened. "Up there!" he said urgently, recognizing Darkness swirling around in the sky.
Fire Bomb - Rihanna
I think I'm too into this. xD
Kairi glanced at Sora, and then at Riku as she started to follow her boyfriend. She saw how frozen he was, though she didn't want to question it. Riku stared at the area where Smith faded away, but wordlessly followed Sora over to Roxas and Namine. His grasp on Way to Dawn grew tight at the Darkness overwhelming his senses, fearing something terrible was going to happen. Roxas let his arm come back to his side when Namine let go of him, the boy lifting his sight to his friends when he followed her gaze. He saw the expressions on Sora and Riku's faces, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as well.
Ah, yeah. You're right. I forgot about the mission and the Prince and Jeff and stuff. xD
Roxas nodded once, looking down at Namine. He didn't need a better answer than that; it was enough after everything. As long as she was alive and in his arms like she was now, it was okay. Riku had his eyes on Smith for the last few minutes, and he saw the man fade away completely as Roxas and Namine had their moment. But it seemed like something wasn't right. He stiffened slightly, sensing an overwhelming amount of Darkness. And it wasn't just because they were in that particular Realm...
Rockstar 101 - Rihanna
Best one yet? x3
"I will be," Roxas said with a small nod, his hand resting lightly on the middle of Namine's back. He then moved his head toward her a little. "You?" She was his main concern. She appeared alright, and he would have to thank Riku later for getting her out of her restraints earlier. But he felt like he needed to know anyway.
That's right. :3