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  1. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kagashii was taken aback but kept his cool. He made a deep bow then straightened. "Ladies first."
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "Cool, I'm Kaiki," she said. her eyes wandered up to the clouds and she found patterns in them.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kaiki complied and laid back down. "I never caught your name."
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kagashii raised his hand slowly. Better to get this over with. As he made his way down to the front to stand opposite to the girl his mind slipped into his battle thinking. Ok, a strength test, that probably means taijutsu, no weapons because he won't want us to really injure each other
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kagashii looked puzzled. A fight? In a classroom? Oh well, lets get it on!
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Riku and Roxas please
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "Good Morning Sensei," he replied along with the other students.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "You're welcome," he said, a bit puzzled. Did everyone blush and look down when saying 'thank you'? What a strange place Konoha was...
    The warning bell rang and he was brought out of his reverie. "We better go." He turned and headed into the school. Once inside the classroom he chose a seat up at the top near the window.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kagashii noticed another girl come. As she neared him, at the top of the stairs she tripped. Instinct took over and he caught her arm. "Are you ok?" he asked politely, as he helped her up and stepped back a little.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kagashii shuffled his feet, not really wanting to go but knowing that he needed to. Unfortunately he was there before he knew it. As he took in the new academy, looming over him, he felt the fear that he had been suppressing finally surface.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    I'll start

    Kagashii sighed as he lay on his bed, fully clothed and ready for his first day at the academy. He was still new to Konoha so he was happily surprised when he could find a small apartment for a small amount of money. He figured that he could deliver ramen for money to pay rent. "Well, I might as well get this over with," he said to no one in particular and grabbed his backpack. Draining the last of his milk, he walked out the door.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kaiki opened her eyes and tried to sit up, more slowly this time.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    "Good." She said. Finally she couldn't hold them anymore and she fell asleep.

    ((g2g I'll be back soon:china:))
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    may i join?
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kaiki raised her hand and grasped the girl's arm."Its ok, we will be fine." Her earnest eyes searching the other girl's. Odd, she was comforting her, as she lay on the ground, bleeding.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kaiki forced her eyes open and nodded.
    Olcan was still growling his head off.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    She nodded and braced herself as the liquid made contact with her stomach. It was like being scorched with fire and she winced and bit back a scream. Instead she focused on the girl. The world was shimmering and spinning despite her concentration and her eyes began to droop a bit. NO!! She thought fiercely but it was all she could do to keep her eyes open. Its all I need to do right now.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    ((I think i wanna make another character, can I?))
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Slowly she began to lose consciousness. She tried to hang on, focusing on the girl's eyes. She managed a small laugh. "I'm Kaiki," she said, barely above a whisper. She felt like she was being pulled underwater as she lost more blood.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Kaiki finally broke the last barrier and opened her eyes. As she stared into the stunning blue eyes of another girl about her age, a fear settle into the pit of her stomach. Her eyes held her fear there too. She tried to sit up but the wound that ran along her stomach opened again as well as the one on her arm, staining her shirt red in both places.
    Post by: XxRukiaKuchikixX, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home