I'll be Riku
((aah*twitch* so....much....homework.....sorry I haven't been online :sweatdrop:)) Kagashii sighed as he collected his papers. "School needs to be shorter," he grumbled to no one in particular. He swung the bag over his shoulder and walked out of the school. As he made his way to the swing in the corner he saw the other kids practicing or doing other things. He set the pack against and climbed up on the swing, straddling it.
Kaiki just watched the boys. Guys are so weird. Why do they have to fight over everything. Honestly, they would argue with a log.
that was amazing and I'll be perfectly honest. If you hadn't written this I wouldn't have had the courage to write mine. You ROCK!!!! *hugs*
TDGW: Yeah I know, sorry, see what happened was I usually have good stories but crummy beginnings and I had such a flood, for lack of a better word, of ideas that I had to just make a beginning, no matter how horrible. The story will get better I promise. FireKeyblade: no, this is a different boy. There are twelve "tailed" demons and the fox is one. The GOBI, or five tailed wolf, is another.
This is just the preface so tell me if you like it please, or hate it PREFACE Once, 8 years ago a five tailed wolf attacked a village called Sunagakure. Its tails caused famine, plagues, and drought. The village shinobi rose up, to defend their village. But the beast was too powerful for them and they were overpowered . Desperate, they sent a runner to a neighboring country, The Land of Fire, to Konohagakure. Konohagakure responded by sending many of their own shinobi to aid them, including the Hokage, the leader of the village, himself. It was determined that the only way to defeat the beast would be to seal it in a newborn baby. But the price was high. The person who sealed the beast would have to die. The Hokage had stepped up and volunteered to do it but the Sand village’s leader declined his offer. The Kazekage, the leader of the sand village, would seal the beast in his own son. Once the decision was made, they moved out. After they had sealed the beast the dying Kazekage whispered to the Hokage, his last words. “Take the child to your village, for they know nothing of this. He is to be regarded as a hero, for he has surely saved the lives of thousands.†And with that he died. Obeying the orders of the dead leader, the child was brought back to Konoha. He was given the name, Kagashii, meaning hero.
Keep going, its really good. I Love how you can go from serious to funny is a sec.
He felt it. "What? This? Naw I've had worse," he siad managing a small smile. ((IDK well I g2g now my mom is going all FREAKO on me Adiosu(Goodbye(in Japanese) :china:))
"Hmmm? What?" He stopped and turned to face her. ((I g2g how long will you be on?))
Sorenara yatsu naore. (That guy is a disgrace(in Japanese))
((is the academy over or the class?)) He eyed her critically. "Fine," he shrugged and turned, without a backwards glance. He walked through the door and out.
Kagashii appeared behind her. "Are you ok, your eyes....come on, I'm gonna take you to the nurse." He grabbed her hand and towed her along.
Kagashii felt the kick a bit and leapt back. There!!! he thought as he watched her eyes change. He watched as the weapons came. They hit him and blood trickled out of his mouth. Then he was engulfed in a poof of smoke and in his place was a desk full of weapons.
well that was good! Good use of humor. I love the line about the slacker,a diva, and an eating machine.
Kagashii ducked and pivoted as the kick went over his head. So, she has a temper, and those eyes, I need to make her use them, at the very least it must cost chakra to maintain it. He leapt back and threw several kunai and shuriken which he ran after he wouls punch after they hit.
((your charrie has to have a weakness right?)) Kagashii waited for her attack. "Come on, bring it."
Kagashii slid into a battle stance. Doujutsu....I wonder. He threw a couple of shuriken at her legs, nothing remotely fatal.
Kaiki sat up slowly and leaned against a tree.
((*takes a big breath* Kagashii and Jasmine have gone to the academy and met their first sensei, Unsai-sensei. Unsai has announced that there will be a strength test and Jasmine was picked first. Kagashii volunteered to fight her and they just started))
"Thank you, so much," she said, gratitude evident in her voice. Her eyes came to rest on him.