put it in the creativity Corner
wrong section but good story
Help please There is this guy I like and we are great friends. He calls me and comes over to my house and everything but he just thinks of me as a friend. Actually he likes my best friend and its really hard. I still talk with her but sometimes it gets really awkward because she knows I like him. What should I do?
ooc: have you read twilight?
He got home and grabbed the milking pail. Walking out to the cow, he began to milk her.
((am I in?))
ooc: -_-' all vampires are graceful
Kiba got to the top of the tree but a branch broke and he fell all the way down to the bottom. He was knocked out. Akamaru whined and licked Kiba.
Kiba shrugged out of his pack and ran out, Akamaru following. He ran outside and began to climb a really tall tree.
William stood at the top of the church on top of the cross, at the highest point. His piercing blue eyes scanned the arear, willing a vampire to misbehave so he could wipe them out. He was bored. A gust of wind came and if it were not for his amazing balance he would have fallen.
ooc: XD BIC: "SPRINT!!" Kagashii rolled his eyes but sped up.
Kiba walked in with a pack over his shoulder and Akamaru on top of the pack, with his front two paws ontop of Kiba's head.
"Run!" Kagashii began to run, not quite sprinting but at a steady pace.
Calix rolled his eyes. "oh, come on, you know that if I don't have some butter to sell by tomorrow I'll be in big trouble. I'll give you a rematch tomorrow, I swear." he said, crossing his heart. He turned and ran home quickly.
"Oaky class please start walking around the outer part of the gym." kagashii began to walk, knowing what was coming next.
((Yeah I know XP )) BIC: Calix fell but ducked as he did, making him roll. He jumped back up and held his sword up. "Ok...," he panted," Lets call it a tie. I need to milk the cow back home. She's probaly about to bust."
Kagashii saw him fall and slid under him to catch him and at the same time saying. "Hey coach, whats that.' The coach turned and didn't see.
OOC: is Kasey still at the nurses office and why didja make her blind?
kagashii put his arms behind his head and watched.
Played By:XxRukiaKuchikixX Name: Kiba and Akamaru Anime/manga/etc: Naruto Age: 10 Appearence: Other: has a dog Akamaru that he carries everywhere