Is it me or was #4 cut? Anyway, it was hard to pick between #2, and #4, but I choose #4. Also, I had no idea some of these songs were from the 90s O_O. My music timeline is all messed up.
Nope, doesn't ring a bell. Oh well, it's always nice to see a returning member I hope we can be friends. :)
I hope so too. :P str please bless me with powers to perfect STR. Haha :)
I love this song. Both versions are really good, but I think I prefer the original one. As amazing as the acapella version was the original version sounded better to me.
I still wonder how they make things explode so easily. :P I remember watching Power Rangers Wild Force when I was 7 I think. It's still one of my favorites. Other ones I've watched are Ninja Storm, Dino thunder, Mystic Force, and Jungle Fury. I tried to watch the samurai one with my brother, but I didn't really like it.
For some reason you look a little familiar, though I don't think I've ever seen you before.
I'll probably play the game same way I've played every other KH game for the first time, take my time, go through the story, and enjoy a few side bosses here and there. then after that I'll play again in an attempt to complete everything.
I love these graphics, I'm hoping the game would have the same graphics, cause that would make me love KH more than I already do.
Well I'm 16, and people usually tease me for my age, they keep saying I'm old. This is probably due to the fact that I'm one of the oldest people in class. I don't really tease anybody else about their age.
Tired, school's really taking its toll on me. Funny, one of the subjects, that I stress about a lot is called STR (Science and Technology...
We go early June to mid-March.
Hard to argue, when school starts at 7:30 and ends at 5:00
Not here, school started about a week ago.
Can't, it's raining everyday, and school just started.
Nice to officially meet you. :)
Well, since you already know my name, time to make a formal introduction (since I like these kinds of things), I'm Railos (you probably know where...
Hey there, I thought I should introduce myself, for no apparent reason. I'm Railos, some people call me Rai, Hi :)
House is partially flooded, some streets are flooded (mine included), traffic's horrible. It took me about 3 hours to get home, when it usually takes only 30 minutes. It won't stop raining, and it rains at the wrong times. When students actually want it to rain it doesn't, and when it's time to go home, rain clouds are on full blast. This rainy season isn't what I expected it to be, and to think a few weeks ago people were complaining about the high temperatures here.
So how are things?
Just saw the movie today, I kinda liked it, well some parts of it. The beginning was kinda rushed, and a bit confusing. The entire movie actually seemed rushed. Either that or everything just seemed way to fast paced. I really like the look of Krypton, it was just a very beautiful place, in my opinion.