Never seen you before, so no, I wouldn't remember.
I can't stop laughing. I should hurry up finishing the KH manga, so I can get to this.
Impressions? Favorite book? Favorite childhood moment?
First thing that came to mind: I was nominated?!?
I was going to vote for the No Staff Online thread, until I saw the I Hate Pimples thread, I haven't even gone beyond the first page, and I'm already incredibly disturbed by it.
So far in that list, I've only played Mana Khemia on the PSP. It's a good game in my opinion, it's battle system is different from most games I've played. At times the gameplay can be a little bit like some harvest moon game, when you need to gather things. The way they make things like a class is also a plus for me. The alchemy bit is also pretty fun, when you're making things. This is for the PSP, so I'm not sure if it's the same for PS2. Sorry if this wasn't any help.
Hi there Iain, can you give me that link to the tegami bachi thing, It was edited before I got a chance to look at it. Also, hi, I'm Railos, you...
That explains it.
Meh I just blame my inability to work backwards in an equation, I can do fine if it was forward, but my teacher just loves her trick questions.
I'll look into it since i love tegami bachi. Also, pretty sure it's tegami not tegmai. :P
I miss him too, he was a fun guy to talk. I heard he went on some hiatus though.
I'm actually ok with her voice. It wasn't horrible, and it kinda matched her personality, in my opinion.
Instagram could be some gallery, and khv would be the post office for me. Porn would be some night club.
I can understand that most of my classmates are younger than me. I actually find it weird considering i've never repeated a grade in my life
I'm 16.
It could be nature's way of drowning out your singing with loud rain. Either way, keep singing you're cancelling my classes.
Lol, I'm only third year, but I'm older than you right?
I think I got one grade below failing in math.
I had half a mind to actually give him Positively 4th Street. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
I was just wondering, you're studying for entrance exams, so you're 4th year high school?