"Demon? I don't care what you are! Just let go of her! I won't help you with the killing of souls!" Ichigo averted attention to the doorway and saw a new figure stanging there.
The word hit Ichigo. "Sp-spirits? Are you a...Hallow?! but...Hallows can't control humans... Either way, I'm not letting you devour the spirits!"
"...Anna?" The knife pressed further into her throat. Ichigo dropped his weapon.
Ichigo keeled over holding his stomach. "Wh-what's happened?!" He spereated his soul from his body and withdrew his Zanpouktou. "Fine you want to fight!"
They don't make me stop watching it though, Thank God! I agree I just felt soo sad TT.TT Sorry Bleach is the best for me^^
Ichigo sidestepped at the last second. "Anna what's happened to you?! You act like you're being possesed!"
Ichigo heard the scream and ran in. He pushed the nurse out the way and tripped Anna. "Anna what's happened?!"
My Parents hate the fact that I love anime.... Oh and yeah I agree Death Note's end was sad.... I love Inuyasha^^ My favorite anime is Bleach though^^
TT.TT My mom never knows anything about anime... I tried explaining Bleach, Death Note, Darker than Black and Fruits Basket, and she still doesn't even know what Anime means.... TT.TT
Ichigo smiled. "Thanks" I really thought Anemone might have pushed her too far...But I guess it worked out.
Ooc: BuhBye^^ Bic: Ichigo sat outside with the sword figuring they wouldn't want a large weapon in the infirmary...
"Finally... I was wondering when that would happen..." Ichigo picked up her sword and followed them to the infirmary. Ooc: Fine with me, and no I changed it^^
Great a catfight, exactly what we need... "Okay that's ENOUGH! She is going to the Infirmary no matter what! I don't care if We have to kill her to get her there, but she's going! So calm down both of you!!!"
"Please Anna don't do this, just go to the infirmary..."
Ooc: I am leaving in a bit too it's already 1:42 AM Bic: "Anemone calm down okay? She is going to the infirmary..."
"Okay I'll walk with you."
Ooc: I always am!^^ Bic: "Anna are you okay??"
Where did you get that?! It's so beautiful! TT.TT
"Help me Anemone..." Ichigo picked Anna up again. "Or would you rather walk?"
"Damn!" Ichigo chased after her and finally cought up. Ichigo grabbed her by the shoulders. "Okay, fine I will make you go! But tell me why you don't want to...please..."