Ooc: You said we can have two characters right???
"Just what I was thinking.... but Trunks I don't want her to get hurt...."
"Should we follow her?" Ichigo asked Anemone and Jun.
"Anna..."Ichigo sighed "Don't get hurt okay? I don't want you to go alone, but you know more about this demon than I do...."
"Anna I can defend myself! I am comming..." Ichigo began following her.
"Anna I'm comming with you! I can't allow you to do this alone..."
"Anna I know how to deal with rouge spirits let me take care of this!"
"Anna!" Ichigo screamed. "Where is the demon?"
Ctr??? What happened to Squishy?! You killed her didn't you Ctr!! You were just sooo jealous she stole your avy It's okay, I liked you best^^ :glomp: 20056
Wow...TT.TT You went to the thousand without me! TT.TT 30050
I always abuse ^^ See I just did it^^
I think it looks awesome^^ But, the proportions of the head are kinda off... Other than that it looks great!^^
Knowledge is Power! *gets bricked*
I just got the game today!! I love it!!! It's awesome!!
Ooc: Night Guys!^^ Here it's 3:31 AM
Ichigo ran out the infirmary. There's gotta be a way to find them... He ran down the halls for the front door.
"Damn, that was abrupt...Now I don't even know where they went!"
"Demons huh? Can't be worse than Hallows..." Ichigo knelt by Zeke's body. He was still alive.
Ooc: Ichigo-Male^^ Bic: Ichigo glanced at the two of them and prayed for Anna's safety.
Ichigo was shocked. "You aren't seriously going to give it sprits are you?!"