Ooc: Going eat^^ Ichigo released Anemone. "Well is that a good enough answer?" he started to Blush.
"My best friend was Renji Abarai. We've known each other since we were children with no powers. And now I have Ichigo as another one of my very close friends." Kenpachi nodded. "Yep no matter how annoing she get's, Yachiru is my best friend" Ichigo kissed Anemone before she could say anything else.
Ichigo leaned in towards Anemone. "Then we have something in common^^ The Soul Reaper Academy allows very few fun things.."
Ichigo lifted Anemone's face to eye level with his. "Cool!" Rukia said. "We may have to have one of these "sleep overs" everyone talks about^^"
Ichigo appeared beside Anemone. "Busy?" "Dorm two I believe, same as Rukia." "Yes I am in the second dorm as well."
Ooc: What's happening O.o I was walking to talk with Anemone....And somehow got to this???
Ooc: For A moment I was like ...O.O Stalker! But then I remembered ya'll go to school together^^
Ooc: Hey^^ I can't do more till JAF gets here...
Hi peoples!^^ And yes Kay is good with her evilness^^
...O.o How do you know??? Stop looking at me!! I was just rubbing my arm!
Ichigo stared at the stranger, but decided to walk back towards Anemone.
"Yachiru, Kenpach, Rukia and Jun ya'll head to the dorms I...I have something to do.." Ichigo walked back outside.
Ichigo's eyes went wide. "She thinks I have a crush on Rukia!?" Ichigo laughed Loudly. "I guess I should go and talk with her..." Ooc: I am going to sleep! Good night people!^^
"Okay, you want your weelchair? Now What's wrong with her??"
"Anna!" Ichigo sat Yachiru on the ground. He helped Anna stand up. "Are you okay? Now what's wrong?" Ooc: Night!^^
"...I really like Rukia, but not as a girlfriend..." Ruikia went Silent. "No I got into a great amount of trouble...they were going to excecute me...but Renji and Ichigo saved me."
Ichigo kept walking not hearing the door open. "Rukia is like a sister too me...I don't love her like that..." "Well I was sent to the Human World to destroy Hallows and I became wounded and I gave Ichigo my powers to allow him to destroy the Hallow. Ichigo then became tied with Soul Reaper powers himself and I eventually regained my powers."
It's okay Roxma I tolerated your hideousness^^
Ichigo stopped. "I...I do...I really like her, I just don't know how to tell her..." "Yes I am still alive, but Soul Reapers have the ability to detach their souls from their body at whim." Kenpachi just nodded in agreement.
>.> <.< Good point^^