Ichigo stopped "Tell me! I'll do Anything!"
"I don't guess that the infirmary will help..." he said dashing through the doors.
Ichigo lifted Anna up off the ground and started running for the school.
Ichigo felt her body drop. She wasn't dead, but she couldn't breathe...Ichigo couldn't believe it.
O.o Okay then...
...Lucky... I had Speech and Debate after school today and all we did was highlight different parts of our case....
"Anna! Anna!!" Ichigo screamed! Mouth to mouth he thought. He bent down and started trying to put air back into her mouth.
I know I am not the most mature!^^
The people that aren't taking it, don't have school at all^^ I don't have to take it!^^
Ichigo smiled. "Yeah I do" Ooc: I don't have school so I'll be bored all night anyway!^^ *Can't wait to see what happens*
*points and laughs at you two* :lol:
Ooc: Yeah a bit^^ "...kissed?" Ichigo asked slightly ashamed.
O.o Will Smith took over your computer! You should feel honored!^^
"Sorry, I guess that's partly my fault... But I am always here if you need anything!"
"Why? What happened?"
Ichigo wrapped his arms around Anna's shoulder's. "What's wrong with you? and Who's your friend?"
Ichigo popped up hearing his name. "Someone mention me?"
Ooc: I am here yeah^^ I just have no part in this^^
I have a feeling this is suposed to be taken out of Context... >.> <.<
"...Anemone...?" "Shall we go in?" Kenpachi asked. "Lets" Rukia said opening the door. Ooc: I am back^^