"You're bleeding everywhere, I think you need to see one. Are you two following?"Ichigo walked out the cafe.
Ichigo picked Anna up and turned to Anemone and Jun. "I'm taking her to the infirmary weither she wants to go or not!"
I know Dawn!^^ She is a friend!^^
Ichigo grabbed the hilt of the sword. "Calm down, He's gone"
Sorry Roxma dye your hair a cool color and then we'll talk^^ I've always wanted a blue streak in mine^^
"...She's right...You okay Anna, want me to go with you to the infirmary?"
"Hey Pinkie No talking to Anemone like that!"
"Please, sexism is stupid^^ Soo....again, what are you two doing just wandering the halls?"
I love his hair!^^ It's cool!!^^
Ooc: I know^^ Ichigo is always relentlessly tormented because of it! Bic: "Funny Anemone^^ And what are you laughing at Jun?^^ Whatever doesn't bother me^^ So what are you two doing?"
...??? O.o That kinda scared me...
It's okay, everyone except him knew you were a dude...
Ichigo ran down the hall catching up with Anemone and Jun. "Hey guys! What's up? Why aren't yall in the cafe??"
*points to first post* Hmm I don't know...
He's not ugly! Stop being mean people....
Sarah Silverman... Weird O.o
I notice you Dawn... 29789
No, I hate stereotypical people also prejudice people... I would NEVER do that! Besides, like I said, I like the picture^^
...I don't think you're emo... I just think the pic is cute^^ I really like the red highlights^^
She never even responded to it... Hmph....