this is a bad time to say that(they are skydiving with no shute)
no that was a shadow clone and whose chasing me
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(as they fall down a 5 yard long drop)
hi...this is awkward...i thought you were going to chase me
come in(opens the closet door)
O_O...but...but...but riola i thought we made a good pic in my sig(runs away
of course now go have fun with darkrai tonight im gonna make a spoiler
wana be my roomate
yes a pimp exactly lucario plz hurry up mew-yes hurry up
yes i mean no, but ..adbfewyfbn.....i shal now hide in my pokemon mansion(underground cause wackos picky about above ground)
no be random here its fun thats why i do it
...the scarecrow is dead nit
ugh i dont particulately like that pokemon eve-lucario are you coming back to bed in a little bit honey
i was random in anime high school and broke rules(apparently)so she kicked me out...with cheers from 2 other people
wtf...(as they stare upon the castle they see it burning with arrows from the spartan empire) scarecrow man-howdy how neiborly peo... "lucario puts a bullet into his head"
ofcourse, but if its created by someone elst(destinystar)you get kicked out for being random"kicks Wacko Into The Oven For 45 Min
Love Me Too Not Daddy
lets skip down the yellow brick road to take over the castle