the most random anime cafe o this small_plasma tv size)asteroid heading towards the sun...nah its just random
here take book 2 and 3...they were on sale
if you want to know who it is pay for a dna test im too lazy
down the toilet"FLUSH"
will you stop with the metro-sexual already
only 2 characters allowed
im sorry but it was either celeby who is in the forest, or suicun who is"area unknown"(that was a 1 date thing)
what youve never seen someone chained to a bed before ***** gay @$$
oooh your in trouble
O_o...they Were Kissing
again...lucario walks around the corner"i hope you like that it was a random suicide bombing clone" ff explodes
and yet when i say your mother was misty you dont react...but its a lie anyways
but death cant conquer a...burito"lucario transforms into a burito"
well i gave you a circus so DEAL if only your mother was here today(misty)
no this"lucario uses sexy jutsu on final
lucario throws at him...the 3 ring circusYAY
the netted lucario poofs in white smoke and comes around the corner grabbing riolu"shadow clones are so cool"
well how was mew their chained to your bed...mew doesnt like to be in one place too long
-_- you are a ron weasley if ive ever seen one not in the movies