You called?
*does 20 ePush ups* 8D
Anyway, for the free weekend, it does say it on their site, but I'm not seeing a link or anything to the demo, and when I look on the demo page for steam I don't see one for tf2. I'm not sure if it's because I already have tf2 or if you don't get it from the demo page, I'll keep searching around but I'm not seeing anywhere to get it from, not even the download page for the main game itself.
Pff not surprised you caught up, I fail at running even on the internet B( and yaaay 8D
Hmm alright xD
I kinda like your name how it is D:
Yuuuuush 8D
Indeeeed it is xD
*scatters around more and skips away* 8D
Succeeeess 8D
I'm loving that sexy quality D: and those jellyfish look amazing, keep the pictures coming c: I love seeing them
*leaves candy on page* 8D
SEX- ...I mean uh Sandwiches
Because it's an awesome movie xD
Flaming marshmallows are fun 8D
Lmao I actually love the History Channel. I'm such a nerd.
Lol'd at the additions there. Even though they flat out tell you they wouldn't like it.
Also lol KHV
Woooo 8D glad we're on the same page thar