*Puts on sunglasses* Awwwwwrighhhht B|
Oh my o_o
I'm changing back to my El Dorado avatar, that's the only one I can think of that got me nominated? xD;
Once we get this stoof it'll be awwrighhhht BD
Fo' sure B|!
The gardens of plums shall be restored! BD
Aw yeah we would :'D
Yes, The Lone Wanderer and I are the ninja couple BD And I wouldn't beat you up irl, Advent...or would I?
Hi hi O:
Insert pen- Damn it.
I love that game.
Awwwright .
I remember him.
Fruitbenders?! 8D
Approve want want want. Still looking forward to this, so excited 8D thank you for posting this
A butt? Edit: Omfg AxelRedHot I just noticed your avatar, you play Mabinogi too? O:
Wanna give a fuck? ...I think I lose D:
I do, you were always one of the most memorable names back when I was newer here xD
That's intimidating D8