Lmao. I shouldn't get my hopes up that it's about Mabinogi B(
Lol Nexon. What did they do now? |:
Hur hur. And no he does not have a permanent name yet 8D
There's a sign that says "By all means, give the KHV members drugs" though. I don't remember seeing that the last time I was here. Suspicious? Naaah.
Yessss 8D
Nova, can't you see that the sign clearly says "Do not feed the KHV members"? >:
I'm the tour guide. I see no "carzy" a$$ n*gga beatin' the hell out of me.
Ah, and here we have the spamzone! And if you look to your left you'll see some KHV members fighting as usual. Now if you continue this way you'll see the Role Playing Arena...
It's from a webcomic called Hanna is Not a Boy's Name O: it's quite epic
Good luck D:
What?, that bulldozer is beautiful ;w;
But but but D: fine
I want to be the one with the big bulldozer tearing down the playground.
Leeeft 4 Deaaad
It's all good 8D two cherry bombs = fun
Do it do it do it. After you dig the hole and master the magma, of course B|
What exactly do you mean by "images"? Sigs?
He can only use it so many times B|
This **** is ballin' B)