I'm going to make a reasonable prediction. The robot's name is not going to be George.
Why thank you c: I'll try and improve the dialogue + drawing the make it edgier.
(Editing out for old art) (edited out for old art)
*paper ball misses* *profile sets on fire* NOOOOOOOOOOO
Why thank you, I appreciate it x)
That's a pretty awesome cake, not gonna lie.
I know who you are Alex, I'm pretty sure I saw you on Voxli those few times I was on xD but thank you! x) nice to meet you too c:
Thanks guys x) and that picture is pretty epic
D'awwww thank you Shizzay x) And why yes it is 8D Edit: And thanks Haseo, too xD
Sob sob
Ohmai, that's okay xD
I don't see why this should have been bumped :v even if it hasn't been a month it seems to be pretty dead.
Gasp .
Yup, I am :U sneaking on right now, I will be gone for at least 2 weeks or so while I wait for a new charger for my laptop, but I think I might have convinced my dad to at least let me on for a little bit each day. But at the moment, I'm just grounded, so see you guys around B(
Whaaat that's epic :C Well epic isn't really the right word. But still, lucky xD
Same here 8D I love L4D xD and yesss I saw that engineer pic somewhere and lol'd pretty hard xD
I know xDD poor Hanna
Tf2 <333 but yeah, they're like that with all of their games B(
As do I, it is pretty great 8D
8D I love this comic xD just found it yesterday